- Naomisdancingwilder

*Naomi's point of view*

authors note:

Hi beauties <3

This chapters timeline is one day ahead, so the previous chapter took place saturday, and this chapter, where we are following Naomis point of view, takes place sunday! Just so y'all didn't get confused! I will write before the chapter starts, if the timeline is different yet again :) Hope i'm not confusing you all too much <3

Without further ado: enjoy!


I spent all Saturday with the worst hangover in my life! I've laid in multiple positions, with a bucket resting beside me, while watching Netflix. I couldn't even think straight until I woke up today. And now it's Sunday, and I still haven't heard from Adrena.

I wasn't worried yesterday, maybe she was just as hungover as me, and forgot her phone or something. But two whole days without a word is something else.

I got up, took a shower and washed away the hangover from yesterday. I decided to go for a walk, to clear my head. I scanned the streets for a sign – it sounds so stupid, but I had a feeling that Adrena was here somewhere. Call it a 'bestfriend sixth sense' if you will, but I really felt her presence. I was completely stuck in my own thoughts, when someone behind me suddenly said:

''Naomi Wilder?''

I turned around. I had a hard time recognizing the man who was facing me, and looked like an idiot, with my eyes pinched.

''You don't remember me, do you?'' he asked, with a grin.

''Vaguely.. I'm so sorry, my mind Is somewhere else today, I'm usually really good with names!'' I replied, as I gave him a smile. He was handsome, tall and had dark blonde hair. He did look familiar, but I wasn't able to place him in my memory.

He laughed and said: ''No problem – I'm Peter! We uhm.. well we met Friday? I'll try not to feel less like a man, as it seems like you don't remember – or maybe burned out of your memory – that we kissed?''

Fuck, this is so awkward. I was so drunk last Friday, that I didn't even remember his name! This seems like a sign, that I maybe need to slow down a bit.

''Ah, Peter, right! I totally remember, sorry!'' I cheered, as he was still laughing.

''I'll go home and cry later, no worries –'' he joked – ''if you aren't busy, would you like to grab a coffee with me? It'll make me feel a little better.''

I looked at my phone, it was only 10.30 am. There was still no calls or texts from Adrena, and I actually didn't want to go home. I would just spend the whole day worrying, so I decided to accept his offer.

We walked towards the nearest coffeeshop, and chatted as we went. He was funny, and I needed funny right now.

As we got our coffee and found a place to sit, he asked me what was on my mind – I guess I'm one of those who can't hide it. I told him about Adrena, and he listened while resting his hands around his coffee mug. He had an intense look in his eyes, and he nodded many times, as I spoke.

''So you haven't heard from her at all? Wow, I understand your concern. Has she ever mentioned a boyfriend or anything?'' he asked.

I shook my head: ''No, never. And I would know – she doesn't 'date' or anything like that.''

''Did you meet anyone that night, that acted suspicious?'' Peter asked. He had a concerned look on his face.

''No, not that I recall. It was a pretty normal 'night-out', I met you and.. well, I don't know.''

''So there's nothing out of the ordinary? Nothing that stood out?'' he persisted.

Why was he suddenly so curious?

''No, nothing,'' I replied, as I stared out the window. The street were buzzing, it felt weird to think that everyone else had a normal day, probably with chores and other Sunday-deeds. I had to go out there, and look for her. It didn't feel right to just sit here at a coffeeshop, with some guy I made out with while drunk.

''Look, Peter – I thought I could do this, but I have to look for her. It was nice meeting you, but I really need to go-'' I said, as I got up. He looked confused, and grabbed his own coat and got up as well.

''Can I help with anything? I really don't mind.'' He asked. I thought about it for a second.

- ''Sure – I actually have an idea.''

We went outside and catched a bus – I figured that the first place to look, would be at her apartment. Why haven't I thought of that sooner?

We arrived, and I rang her doorbell multiple times.

''Adrena! Adrena, please open up!'' I yelled from the street, as I looked up at her window.

Her upstairs neighbor Phil stuck his head out his window and yelled: ''She's not here, you moron! Stop yelling, you idiot!''

What a Karen, seriously. I know Adrena had her fights with him before, he's always complaining about something. He's kind of a creep too. Rumors say that he has a particular taste in younger women – and he's like sixty or something, for the record.

''Oh, hey Pedo-Phil. Didn't see you there-'' I led out a flabby laugh and continued: ''how do you know she's not home?''

Peter led out a loud laugh, and had to walk away, because he couldn't breathe. Phil rolled his eyes and almost spilled his morning coffee down upon me, as he angrily yelled back: ''Do not call me that, you little shit! I've told you several times and I'll come down and kick your ass if you ever call me that again!''

I tried to hide my grin, and gestured a ''I'm sorry'' with my hands. ''Okay, sorry! I promise I'll stop, but seriously, how do you know she's not home?''

He scratched his baldy head and said; ''Well, I thought I heard some music yesterday, and I wanted to tell her to turn it off. So I went down to, you know, talk to her. She didn't respond, so I took a look through her door crack, and her shoes and keys weren't there, like they used to. Not that I've done it before, but-'' he interrupted himself, and took a big sip of his coffee.

Normally, I would have commented on that creepy thing he did. But I didn't have time or the energy. I had to save that for Adrena, so I simply replied: ''Mhm, okay Phil. But are you sure that you heard music?''

'' I was sure at first. But then I got back to my own apartment, and to my discovery, it was my own TV that was on the MTV channel. I forgot I turned it on, I guess.''


''Wow okay, thanks. Will you call me, if she returns home? I really need to talk to her!'' I yelled back.

Not in a million years would I have imagined giving Phil my phone number. And I would probably regret it later, but I had to do everything I could to find her.

''Have you called the police yet?'' Peter asked as we left her apartment. I haven't yet – I'm a little scared of them, for some reason. My dad always says, that you can't trust men in uniforms. It doesn't really make sense, he's a firefighter himself.

''No, I haven't. Should I have done that? How can they help?'' I stupidly asked.

He didn't even have to answer, I knew right away that I had to. We found a bench nearby where we could sit, as I called them.

''911, what's your emergency?''

''My friend is missing, I can't get in contact with her and I don't know what to do. I think she might be in danger, please help!'' As I said the last part, my voice cracked. I suddenly realized how serious this is.

''Ma'am, I need you to calm down and tell me your name, before we can decide what to do.''

''Sorry, my name is Naomi Kwame Wilder. Can you help me?'' I tried to calm my voice, but it was hard.

''That depends – are you safe, do you need help?''

''I am safe! But as I said, my friend is not! She's missing and I can't get in touch with her, and I don't know what to do. Her name is Adrena Calero, she's 18 years old and has blonde-''

The officer interrupted me – ''I have to stop you there, why do you think your friend is missing?''

I took a deep breath and said: ''We went to a new nightclub downtown on Friday, and about two hours in, we lost each other somewhere on the dancefloor, I think.–'' I looked at Peter, who sat next to me with a curious look on his face.

I blushed as I continued: '' Or, I was kissing with this guy, so I left the dancefloor. I came back like an hour later, and then I couldn't find her. I tried to look for her, and asked around but no one seemed to have seen her – Oh! Except the bartender, he said that she showed him a picture of me, and that she was also looking for me.. But beside that, nothing.''

''Ma'am, have you tried calling or texting her?''

''Yes of course. I've left like 45 voicemails, I've tried to locate her on find my friends, find my iPhone and all that, and I was at her apartment 5 minutes ago, to check if she's home – and she's not!''

''Well, you've done enough so far. It's too early to say if she's missing. In cases like this, we often see young women like you and your friend drinking too much. Maybe she passed out somewhere, or maybe she's just staying at some guys place? You don't have to worry, I'm sure she's just fine.''

''No, you don't understand! Adrena is not like that, she doesn't do one night stands, and she doesn't get pass-out drunk. I promise you, something is wrong!''

''Okay, I see. I want you to keep trying to get in contact with her for the rest of the day. Have you called her parents?''

''Her mom is dead and her father lives in Chicago – and she hasn't talked with him for ages.''

''Mhm, okay I see. Well, I'm sure she'll show up soon – call us again tomorrow, if you still haven't heard anything, and then we'll consider filing a ''missing people'' report. Okay? Have a good day.''

The line was disconnected.

What a fucking bitch? Adrena is probably out there right now, scared shitless and then this trash-ass officer tells me that there's nothing to worry about? If I prove her wrong – god forbid – then I'll drag her sorry ass to court.

''You okay?'' Peter asked, with concerned eyes.

My eyes were watery, and I felt angry and hopeless at the same time.

''No, I'm not. How am I supposed to find her, if the police won't even help?''

He placed a friendly hand on my shoulder, and squeezed it a bit. ''Go home, take a nap and then I'll call you later. I promise you, we'll find her.''

He was overwhelmingly sweet, and I felt bad. We exchanged number, and then i went home. I needed to be alone, even though I knew it would only make me even more anxious. My dad was at work, so I was by myself.

I did as Peter suggested, and took a nap. I actually fell asleep really fast, all considered. It felt nice to 'turn my brain off' for a couple of hours, but as I woke up, my headache and worry returned.

I felt restless, I needed to do something. I tried to dance and practice my new choreography, but my mind was elsewhere, so I stopped.

I looked at the time – 15.46.

''Hey Peter, just wanted to thank you for all your help! I've thought about your offer – how soon can you pick me up?'' I texted him.

I needed to distract myself, and Peter seemed like the perfect candidate. He quickly replied, that he could be here in an hour.

I put my curly brown hair in a tight ponytail, and picked out an outfit – wasn't feeling like dressing up, so I just went with a grey tracksuit. I fixed my makeup, and got ready to leave. I made sure that my phone was fully charged, so I was ready when Adrena called.

He picked me up, and drove me to his place. His apartment was pretty huge, at least three rooms- He seemed pretty loaded.

''Nice place,'' I added, as I glanced at the surroundings. He seemed to have a thing for art, there was paintings on almost all of his walls, in every room.

''Thanks – coffee?'' he asked, as he disappeared inside the kitchen. A thick smell of coffee filled the hallway where I was standing, and the silence lasted for a few minutes before he returned, with two cups in his hands. I drummed against the mug, as we seated at his living room table.

''Did you get some sleep?'' he questioned. I nodded, and yawned as a response – it made him smile.

''Good. You need the energy. Cause I have something to tell you. I haven't been completely honest with you, Naomi, and what I'm about to say might shock you, but I have to get it off my chest.'' He looked down, as he said it.

I gasped and felt a small kick in my stomach – what'd he mean?

Finally he removed his gaze from his coffee mug, and looked up. He sighed, and said:

''I think I know what happened to Adrena.''