- Peters confession

*Naomi's point of view*

I almost spit out my coffee. My heart pounded so hard in my chest, that I was sure it was visible through my grey hoodie.

''What?..'' I muttered, with a shocked look on my face. He cleared his throat, and straightened his shirt before he spoke.

''It wasn't totally accidental that we walked into each other today – I had your address, and waited outside your apartment. You looked distressed, so I waited a little before I approached you,-''

I got so uncomfortable that I felt like throwing up. I've had stalkers before, but I've never been less than 15 inches close to them. I was panicking inside, but my facial expression was stuck with an open mouth.

''Don't panic, I know it sounds creepy! I promise you, I'm not that kinda guy, I just needed to talk to you.''

I gathered some courage, and tried to hide the fear, as I, with a confident approach said: ''Then talk. Tell me, what do you want?''

''I want to tell you about Adrena. But before I do, please promise me that you'll stay, no matter what, okay?''

I carefully nodded, while my palms that were now sweaty, was shaking underneath the table.

''Thank you – '' he took a sip of his coffee –''I believe that Adrena has been kidnapped.''

I reacted so quickly, that I didn't have time to think. I shouted: ''WHAT?''

He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. He seemed so calm, which made it all feel more insane.

''Listen – I believe she's been kidnapped by the Italian mafia.''

''Hold on.. So, someone kidnapped Adrena, is that what you're saying?'' I confusedly asked.

''Yes, an Italian guy – from the mafia. They are bad news, Naomi, and it has happened before.''

''How do you know it's the Italian mafia?''

He waited a few seconds before he replied. I could tell that he was contemplating his answer.

''I just know, okay? That's not what matters here – what matters is, that I think your friend is in their custody right now, and that isn't good. She's in danger, Naomi, and she needs your help.''

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, it was too crazy. The Italian mafia? This isn't some horrible romance novel, it's real life! I simply couldn't believe it.

''I know you don't believe me, but I can prove it too you.'' He said as he got up and walked towards a white cabinet, that stood by his window. He pulled out a briefcase and slammed it on the table I was sitting at.

''What's that?'' I asked. I didn't want to open it.

''Open it,'' he commanded.

I crossed my arms and leaned back in the chair and replied; ''You open it. It's not me who's making up lies.''

He got angry, and shouted: ''I'm not lying Naomi! Look-'' he opened the briefcase and took out a pile of papers. They all consisted dates, pictures and personal information's.

I leaned in, and went through the pages.

''Do you recognize any of these men?'' he asked, while he stood behind me with one arm leaning on the table. He smelled like expensive cologne.

''No..? Should i?''

He picked out one of the pages, and laid it just beneath my face on the table.

''I think he's our guy. His name is Lorenzo Mancini, and he's the underboss in the Italian mob, called Fratellis. He's dangerous and very hard to find. He has a lot of people working for him, making it almost impossible to catch him.''

I needed some answers. A normal guy wouldn't have files like this at home – it makes no sense.

''Peter, be honest with me – who are you? Why do you have all of this information in your home?''

He sighed, and kneeled down in front of me, with his eyes staring intensely into mine.

''If I tell you, then you are responsible for not telling anyone else. This is between you and me, got it?''

I held my breath and nodded.

''I work for the FBI – we've been trying to catch this guy for years, and now we finally have a lead – your friend Adrena.''

I gaped. What kind of sick dream is this? He rested his elbows on his thighs as he was still on his knees, with his hands covering his mouth.

''Say something, please-'' he mumbled. I got up, and walked towards his couch. I had to lay down.

'I believe we can catch this asshole and get your friend back, if only you corporate! know it's a lot to take in..''

That was an understatement. I tried to speak, but I wasn't able to. I had so many questions, but I didn't know how to formulate a single sentence. First of all – if he's an FBI agent, how come he was making out with ME at the nightclub? Why wasn't he chasing that so-called ''Lorenzo''? And second, how the hell does he think I'll be able to help? I haven't talked with her, and I'm no professional.

''What are you thinking about?'' Peter asked, as he walked towards the couch. I sat up, and locked my arms around my legs. He placed his hands between his, and looked at me with an annoying stare. How is he an FBI agent when he's 23? That makes no sense!

''Naomi, please talk to me –'' he moved closer.

''I don't even know where to start.. I can't believe this,'' I mumbled.

''I know. What's on your mind?'' he asked.

Was he stupid? Did he just assume that he could barge in, tell me that my best friend might be kidnapped by some Italian psycho, AND admit that he's an FBI agent? All in one day? No way.

''Oh, you don't have time to listen to what's on my mind, mister! My best friend is missing, and then you tell me that she's kidnapped? That you work for the FBI? It's a bit much, so I'm sorry if I seem a bit ''off'', but I surely fucking hope that you understand!'' I shouted. We were both surprised by my reaction. He got up, and walked out the living room. Guess I scared him off.

''Here-'' he said as he returned. He handed me a glass of water – ''It'll help.''

I took a huge sip, and he was right – it did actually help a little.

''I don't expect you to solve the mystery all in one day Naomi, I've been working on this case for two years – but I really hope you are willing to help. Not only would it help me, it would help Adrena.''

''Okay, I'll help. But no more lies! And Peter?''

''Yes?'' he replied.

''Are you really 23?''

He nodded. ''I am just really smart. I managed to hack my way into the federal governments database, when I was fourteen. Guess FBI would rather have me as a friend instead of an enemy.''

Wow, that's actually really cool – so he's not a total cop-pig as my dad would say.

''Okay. Now, tell me Peter – how do we find Adrena?''

He grabbed the piles of paper still laying on the table and laid them out on the coffee table next to the couch.

''This is everything we know about Mr. Mancini.'' He picked out the file about Lorenzo and continued: ''and this is his father, Pedro – the don of the mob.''

I stared at the photo of Pedro and got the chills – he looked like someone who wouldn't think twice about slicing someone's throat.

''This is Ricardo, Pedro's brother – one of Lorenzo's uncles, and this is Dante, Lorenzo's other uncle, who we believed were assassinated Friday night.''

I gasped. ''What? Assassinated? By who?''

He walked back to the cabinet and took out another briefcase.

''By these fine individuals,'' he replied ironically.

''D'yavol?'' I asked. I wasn't sure If I pronounced it correctly.

''Yes, D'yavol. The Russian mafia. These two mobs has been at war for decades – and Dante shot Semion last year, so the Italians owed the Russians a body. That's how it works.''

''But like, why haven't you arrested them yet? Clearly they are murderers, kidnappers and probably much more!'' I questioned.

He responded to my question with a smile and said: ''That's a really good question Naomi. Unfortunately, both the Russians and the Italians have men on the inside. We have moles inside the FBI who tips them off.''

''Then why can't you just find the… moles?''

He laughed. ''It's not that simple. It's almost impossible to find out who it is, they are probably everywhere. Every corporation has a mole – wouldn't be a functioning business if there wasn't.''

It made no sense to me.

''Okay, I'll try and pretend like I understand all of this… But how do you expect me to help?''

My curiosity and overall confusion made me look like a little child. I felt like Peter was the cookie jar on the top shelf, that I couldn't reach. He walked towards me, and surprisingly enough, he grabbed around my hips and pulled me closer. I gasped by his sudden approach.

''You are the perfect version of what I believe Lorenzo wants – you are beautiful beyond measures, funny, smart and brave,'' he stroked some loose hairs back behind my ear as he continued; ''and you are trustworthy.''

My heart was beating so fast, and I could feel the heat inside of me, same with his, because his body was so close to mine. He wasn't usually my type, I'm more into dumb asshole's who smoke weed and do minor crimes on the weekends.

Why was I suddenly attracted to this nerd? If only I remembered if the kiss last Friday was worth it… Maybe I should give it a shot? How could he ever resist my ''beauty beyond measures''?

I leaned in, and tried to kiss him, but was suddenly pushed away. ''Naomi, that's not a good idea. I've already made that mistake once, and if this is going to work, then we need to keep it professional, okay?''

Wtf? Wasn't he the one who just flirted with me?

''Uhm, okay,'' I nervously said with a laugh. ''You won't get the chance again, so I'm sorry boo, but you just blew it.''

''And I'll regret it forever. But I have to keep my mind sane, and you seem like the type of girl who keep guys distracted.''

I played with my ponytail and laughed at him: ''Not at all, Mr. officer.'' I blinked twice and gave him my best puppy eyes. He shook his head and smiled.

''Let's continue this tomorrow, okay? Come by after school, and then we'll figure out our next move''

I picked up my jacked at put it on, getting ready to leave. As I walked towards the front door, Peter said:

''Oh, and Naomi?''

''Yes Peter?''

''Don't tell anyone about this.''