- The Millburn fire

My dear friend Nancy_Jim (who's an amazing writer btw, go check her out!) inspired me to write this chapter. I was having a writers block, and she gave me a few ideas, that inspired me to continue writing - now it's almost like i can't stop, lol.

Give her all your love, she deserves it <3

Without further ado, here's chapter 20 - The Millburn fire:


**Lorenzo's point of view**

I'm a man who respects boundaries – most of the time. Today was hard, and I was seconds away from losing control, but I managed to pull myself away before that happened.

God she's difficult. Any girl I've ever met, would have thrown themselves at me, the second we opened the door to the motel room. But not her. It made me wild to think about how she touched herself, while thinking of me. I know she'd never admit it, but I know she did it.

We made out. Like, a lot. But after half an hour, I wanted to spice things up a little, so I began touching her all the right places. And despite her little moans, she pushed me away. ''I'm not ready, Lorenzo'' she said, as she moved away from my lap. Damn, I've never had blue balls before, and fuck it's terrible. But I like her, so I respect her. I would have anyways, even if I didn't, I'm not like that russie scumbag Dimitri.

But she did want me to stay in bed with her. So while she was sleeping like a baby, I thought about what I'll do to her, when she's ready.

We woke up this morning, pretty early. We did go to sleep at eight or nine pm, so it made sense, and I'm usually an early bird anyways. Her hair was all messy, and she looked so damn sweet with my t-shirt and boxers. Normally, I would have preferred silky lingerie, but she could literally wear my dear grandmothers dresses, and still look like a goddess.

''Are you hungry?'' she asked, as she reached for the phone. It was only useful for calling the motel's reception.

''A little. But I'll just eat an apple, I don't think the breakfast here is that-''

She interrupted me: ''Oh come on, Lorenzo! You're what, 6.2 feet? You need to eat.''

''6.3'' I mumbled. ''If I can get a fruit salad, then it's fine.''

Twenty minutes later, our breakfast arrived. Mine consisted of sliced apples, melon and oranges. Not exactly fulfilling. Adrena had ordered eggs, bacon, toast and yoghurt – and I wouldn't admit it, but it did look fucking tasty.

''What's our plan from here?'' Adrena asked me, with her mouth filled with food. She looked like a tiny hamster.

''I'll call Pedro, my father today. There's two options. Either he's willing to help us, or he's willing to kill us, no in-betweens'' I replied, and watched how Adrena's face changed complexion.

''Kill us? He's your father!'' she gasped.

I didn't blame her for the reaction, it did sound fucking insane. But's it's how the business works. Despite that, something inside me still believed, that he didn't have the gut to kill me.

''I know that, thank you. No need to point out the obvious,'' I hissed back. It annoyed me, that everything was so uncertain.

''I'll ignore that. But seriously, what if he doesn't want to help us? Then what?'' she added.

''Fuck, I don't know yet, Adrena. I'll figure it out, just like everything else, got it? Jesus, give me a fucking second to just finish my breakfast, will ya?'' I shouted.

She didn't look too pleased. ''I'm only trying to help.'' She got up, and walked outside.

I sat for a second, and felt how my anger slowly left my body. It made me realize how big of an idiot I was. I got up, and followed her.

''Look, I'm sorry. I'm just so stressed, you have no fucking idea.'' I said, as I seated on the wooden chair outside, next to hers.

''Yeah-yeah, you say I have no 'fucking' idea, and that's probably true. But I am involved, and therefore I deserve a little involvement. Is that really that much to ask? I didn't want to bring it up, but you are the reason why I'm here.''

I raised my eyebrow at her comment, but quickly realized that she was right. I was the reason.

''Yes, I am. And I'm going to try and fix that mistake for the rest of my damn life. And I'll start with calling my father.''

I got up, and walked back inside to get dressed. I put on my black shades, as I walked back outside. I caught Adrena staring, I bet she liked what she saw.

''There's a payphone across the street. I'm gonna try and call him from it. Be back in a sec,'' I said, as I walked away.

I only memorize two phone numbers – my father's, and Ricardo's.

I could hear that he picked up the phone, but he didn't say anything. He knew damn well, that it could be anyone, when it's an unknown caller ID.

''Pedro? It's Lorenzo.'' I started off. ''I figured it was time for a phone call.''

I could hear a little fuss in the background, it sounded like he was entering another room.

''Lorenzo? Where are you?'' he asked. He didn't sound too happy to hear from me.

''I think we both know, that I can't tell you that. I'm sorry, but it couldn't be any different. Any of it.'' I said.

''Lorenzo,'' he said, before his coughing interrupted him. He didn't sound well.

''Father, are you alright?'' I asked.

''Fuck that. Listen! There's…. There's a war, all because of you. That woman… That woman will weaken your heart!''

I sighed. ''Father – you can't win a war, without a heart. Maybe she makes me weak.. Perhaps I even need it? I've been a fool all my life, and I finally have a purpose. I saved her life! How many lives have you saved?''

''I've spared more lives, than you have lived! So don't tell me about sacrifices, I know them all too well. I sacrificed me and the guys this morning, to cover your silly tracks. Did you hear about the fire in Millburn?'' he asked, in a furious tone.

''What fire?'' I asked.

''We had to contact the cleaning crew, to help us clean up your fucking mess. FOUR BODIES LORENZO?''

I finally realized what he was talking about. But I didn't start a fucking fire? And who's the fourth, I only killed three?

''We had to make sure that the pigs or russies couldn't trace your fucking tracks back to you, so we burned Dimitri fucking Ikowski's house down, with the bodies inside. The gang is furious, Lorenzo.''

''I only killed Dimitri's fucking incompetent bodyguards, they were useless. I had to, otherwise they would have killed me. I didn't kill Dimitri, so I don't know who the fuck belongs to the fourth body.'' I shouted. I had to scan my surroundings for people walking by, to make sure no one was listening to this insanity.

''There was a woman, along with three men. You fucking coward, you can't even admit that you killed a woman?''

''I didn't kill any woman! I must have been Petra, but I thought she fled..'' I replied.

''That doesn't matter. It's your fault, Lorenzo. I can't forgive this. You've literally burned every bridge that connected us. You know I won't or can't hurt you, but the guys are furious. They want you dead because of the choices you've made, and because of Dante's death. His sons want's to kill you, Lorenzo. And I don't blame them for that.''

He hesitated for a second, before he, with a muttered voice said:

''I can't protect you, my son. And I will only tell you this once – they will look for you. And if they find you, then you will suffer. My advice-''

He paused again, and there was a complete silence. It seemed like he was making sure no one was listening on his end.

''My advice is, to leave the country. Maybe in a couple of years, when all of this has cooled down, you can come back. But I can't promise you anything. You are on your own now, son.''

The line disconnected. He hung up.

My response was to rip the phone cord apart, and use the phone as a hammer. I completely trashed the phone booth, and the glass that stood around it. I shouted in rage, and felt an urge to destroy something. Anything.

''Lorenzo, what the hell are you doing?'' a voice behind me asked. I couldn't understand a single thing, I was in my red state of mind.

''Lorenzo, stop!'' someone grabbed my shoulder and tried to pull me away from the completely shattered phone booth, but I managed to wiggle loose.

''Stay the fuck away from me!'' I shouted, as I realized it was Adrena who stood behind me. She'd never looked so scared before. I didn't want to hurt her, but I wasn't able to control my temper. ''Don't come near me, I can't promise that I won't hurt you,'' I hissed.

She took a few steps back, while she held her breath. ''Lorenzo, what happened?'' she asked carefully.

''I-i.. I talked with my father,'' i said, as I ran my fingers through my hair. I spat on the ground, and began to walk away from the wrecked phone booth. I could hear small pieces of glass crack underneath my Italian leather shoes.

''I presume that it didn't go well?'' she asked.

''That would be a bit of an under-fucking-statement, to say the least. I need to be alone for a little while. I'll take my car for a spin, can you entertain yourself for a few hours?'' I asked, while walking towards my car.

''Sure'' she mumbled. ''But maybe you need someone to talk to? I'll listen, without asking any questions. I don't think you should be by yourself right now, Lorenzo.'' She added.

''Fine. Then let's go-'' I opened the car door and pointed at it, as a signal for her to get in. ''But don't you fucking dare to act like a psychiatrist. I'm fine.''