- He's my strunza

''Promises, by Adrena Calero

I'm afraid to be a prey, and I'm afraid to be a fool. Growing up with a mother who had several boyfriends within a year, made it hard not to be fascinated by her way of living. She'd get high on men, drugs and alcohol. I got high on the promises she gave me, and the holes in my heart, that her men promised to fill. Neither ever succeeded, so I learned to fear, instead of wishing.''


**Adrenas point of view**

I was holding onto my seatbelt, as we started driving. He was driving fast, and I could almost see how he put all his anger into the pedals. I wasn't even sure if he knew where we were going, but with his pace, he seemed determined to get somewhere.

''I know I said I wouldn't ask any questions. But where're we going?'' I asked, as calmly and behaved as I possibly could. I didn't even have the guts to look at him, I was afraid to see fire coming out of his eyes.

''Why didn't you want to have sex with me last night?'' he suddenly asked.

What? Was he for real?

''Why are you asking me that?'' I questioned.

''That's two questions within one minute, Adrena. I didn't promise you anything, so I'll ask you again. Why didn't we have sex last night?'' He tightened the grip around the wheel, and his breathing was heavier than usual.

''Because I wasn't ready Lorenzo. I already told you that. Why are you like this? Have I done something to piss you off?'' I asked. I no longer cared, I refuse to be treated like this.

He led out an evil grin, and shook his head.

''Answer me! Why are you being like this?'' I continued, while I made sure to look straight at him.

''I think you're punishing me, for what I've done to you. The only way you can do that, is to keep me from the pleasure of your body.'' He said, still with a wicket grin on his face.

''Are you actually kidding me? Lorenzo, not everyone is interested in sleeping with you, sorry to break it too ya. I'm not even supposed to be here, I could have been home right now, probably with Naomi, listening to music or watching her practicing her new chorography.'' I paused, and turned my head to the window.

''And I don't know what happened between you and your father, and I'm here to listen, but don't treat me like one of your one night stands. Believe me, I'll rather continue on my own, rather than staying in this car, with someone who believes I 'punish' him, by not having sex with him.''

He didn't say anything for a little while. I hoped that he got the memo, and maybe contemplated a little, before answering this time.

Lorenzo finally opened his mouth, but drew a big sight before he said anything.

''I think we need to leave the country.'' He said. We were waiting by a traffic light for it to turn green, and I could hear the motor from his car growl.

I quickly turned my head to face his, and gasped.


''He can't help me, he said it on the phone. There was a fire in Millburn.''

The first thing that came to my mind as he said it, was how ironic it was. It was burning.. In Mill-burn.

Seconds later, I came to my senses.

''I-in Millburn? Wasn't I in Millburn? Isn't that where….'' Saying his name made my stomach turn. ''Where Dimitri lives?''

''Yes. There was a fire in his house. My father hired a cleaning crew, who had to get rid of my… 'leftovers'. They decided to burn down Dimitri's house, to get rid of the evidence. Four bodies were turned into ashes.'' He looked straight ahead onto the road, without flinching.

''Four? Didn't you 'just' kill three? Wait! Is Dimitri… dead?'' I asked, in a hopeful tone.

''Unfortunately not. He escaped. I have no idea how he managed to do that, with both of his kneecaps smashed, but he wasn't there. The fourth one, was Petra.'' He cleared his throat as he said it. ''She didn't deserve to die. She might be friends with the enemy, but she was kind to me.'' He added.

''She wasn't very nice to me, she was literally the one who pushed me inside the room in the basement.'' I could feel my body was beginning to tremble, by the thought of that room. By the thought of those horrible things that happened, while inside of it.

''When are you going to tell me, what happened in that room?'' he asked.

''Same with sex, and everything else Lorenzo – when I'm ready.'' I replied.

He raised his eyebrow and nodded, as a way of showing me, that he understood.

As a silence filled the car again, I suddenly realized something.

''Wait!'' I shouted.

''What? What is it?'' Lorenzo quickly replied, while looking concerned.

''Naomi's dad is a firefighter. And he usually get send out to cities such as Newark, Jersey City and… Millburn! Maybe he's there right now, putting out the fire?''

It didn't occur to me, before now. When I lived with Carl and Naomi, he'd always leave a note saying where he was, if he left before we got up. And it's always either Newark, Jersey City or Millburn. The chances of him being there, was big.

''So? What if he is?'' Lorenzo asked.

''It's just weird to think about it. Maybe he knows that I'm missing, and then it just feels weird, that he's literally putting out a fire, where I was held hostage less than 48 hours ago. Don't you think?''

''I guess so.. Do you think he knows that you're missing? You used to live with him, right?'' he asked.

''Yeah, I did. He's the kindest, most loving man I've ever met. He's like a father to me. And if I know Naomi like I think I do, then he doesn't know. She knows he'd worry too much. And honestly, I hope she hasn't told him, I don't want him to get involved.'' I paused.

''But I have to tell Naomi, that I'm okay. Is there a phonebooth where we're going? I can't really use the one across from the Motel, since you… well, trashed it.'' I added.

He cleared his throat, before speaking. ''Sure. We'll find one for you. But promise me Adrena, that you don't tell her where you are, who you're with, or where you are going. Okay?''

''I promise!'' I replied, while my hands met in a praying position. ''To change the subject – where are we going exactly?'' I asked.

''I've always wanted to see Pennsylvania, so we're going to Ambler.'' He replied. I had no idea where it was, or what to do there. But if he wanted to go, so be it.

''Okay.. How long is the drive?'' I asked impatient.

''Not long, look-'' he pointed out the window. ''We're here.''

I looked out the window, and gasped. It was like we've time travelled into the past. The city was giving me 1500s vibes. Many of the buildings was made out of brown and old stone bricks, and there was castle look-a-like houses everywhere.

''This is amazing!'' I shouted, as I led out a smile. ''I've never heard about this place before.'' I added.

''I read about it in a book somewhere, and I've always wanted to go'' he said, as his eyes led up.

I looked at the time displayed on the car's screen – it was only 11.30, but I was already feeling a bit hungry. I'm sure Lorenzo must be starving – his breakfast wasn't exactly fulfilling.

I turned my head to him, to ask him if we could find a restaurant, but didn't say anything, as I was surprised by the look on his face. He seemed so happy a minute ago, and now he looked… sad?

''What's the matter?'' I asked concerned.

He drew a sight. ''I wished things were different for us. We could have been here on a vacation, and we could have walked down the streets carelessly..'' he paused. ''But we can't. I just wanted to see it before… well before we leave the country.''

''One hour!'' I quickly said. ''One hour won't harm anyone. We can grab some lunch somewhere, maybe walk a little, and then drive back to the motel?'' I suggested. I knew it was risky to show our faces out in public, but given the look of the city, it didn't seem like a threat.

''You're right. One hour. Are you hungry already?'' he teased.

''Aren't you?'' I asked.

His stomach growled a second later, so he didn't even need to answer. ''A little,'' he said, with a smile.

Ten minutes later, we found a restaurant, that was on a little street. It was a small Italian restaurant, with only the owners inside of it.

''Buongiorno!'' the little man who greeted us, cheered as we walked in. Lorenzo began speaking Italian, and it was the first time I heard him talking his mother language. I couldn't help but blush, it was… sexy.

Two minutes later, we were seated behind the bar, so we were hidden from the windows that faced the street. The lighting was dark, and all the walls were made out of wood, same as the tables and chairs. From a small stereo, Italian opera was playing. I noticed Lorenzo humming along one of the songs, which made me smile.

''What can I get for you?'' the little man who owned the place, asked.

In Italian, Lorenzo ordered for both of us. I tried to protest, but he promised me, that I wouldn't be disappointed by his choice.

Ten minutes later, our food arrived. I got risotto with mushrooms, and Lorenzo got Ossobuco.

''Why did you pick this dish for me?'' I asked.

''Aren't you vegetarian?'' he replied, as he cut a slice of his meat.

I was surprised that he knew, or remembered. ''Yes, I am actually.'' I said, as I took my first bite.

I closed my eyes, and saw sparkles inside my eyelids. It tasted amazing. My tastebuds were having a party inside my mouth, and I couldn't help but smile.

He swallowed, and then asked: ''you like it?'' with a cheerful smile on his face.

''Very much!'' I replied, with my mouth full of risotto. It made him laugh.

''God, you're a pig when you eat Adrena,'' he said, as he looked around embarrassed, to see if anyone had noticed.

''Well, this pig is hungry'' I replied, still with my mouth full. I grabbed a napkin and dried my mouth, to try and seem more.. sophisticated.

''When we're done eating, we can take a little walk around the town.'' He said. ''But we don't have much time, so It'll just be a short walk.''

''Sure. And then I can call Naomi?'' I suggested.

''Yes – but not here. We'll drive somewhere, further away from Philly, before I'll allow a phone call. We can't stay here for that long. Actually, I think we need to leave Philly tonight as well.'' He said.

''Why?'' I questioned. We were both interrupted from our conversation, by the owner, who now stood next to our table.

''I hope you're enjoying the food?'' he asked.

''Si!'' I replied with a grin, which made both Lorenzo and the man laugh out loud.

''What? I know a little Italian…'' I said, as I looked down in embarrassment. Truth was, I knew how to say yes, hello and goodnight. Oh, and how to say bitch – strunza.

''Your boyfriend will learn you how to speak proper Italian!'' the man said proudly, as he looked at me, and then Lorenzo.

''Oh-'' I laughed. ''He's not my boyfriend. He's my… strunza!'' I added, which made us all laugh loudly.

The rest of the dinner was spent talking with the owner. He was 62. He told us, that he inherited the restaurant from his father back in the 80's, and he has been the owner ever since. He said it so proudly, and I couldn't help but smile as he talked.

As we finished, Lorenzo paid him – in cash, of course – and then we left. We walked around for about 20 minutes, before we went back to the car.

We spent the first five minutes in the car, while driving, without speaking. And then Lorenzo said:

''I want to own a restaurant someday.'' He had dreary, yet hopeful eyes as he said it.

''Really? Do you cook?'' I asked.

''I mean, I can cook. But my maids always made me dinner, so I never had too. But that man, the one from the restaurant, he seemed so… fulfilled. Like, his life has been all about one thing: owning a restaurant. It's so simple, yet so beautiful. But it's just me talking, I'd never be able to actually do it.'' He said.

''Why not?'' I questioned.

''Who'd ever go to a restaurant, where the owner has a death warrant?''