She finally got her letter

**Adrena's point of view**

I woke up the next morning, with an extreme headache. As i got up, i felt like my head would explode. I only had two or three glasses of wine, so i was sure that i wasn't hungover. Perhaps it was just the thought of what went down last night, that made me feel sick. 

Lorenzo was up already, so i figured he was working in his office. I walked downstairs to get some coffee, and heard the muffled sounds of someone being in the kitchen. I figured it was Ella who came in early, but to my surprise, it wasn't. 

It was Lorenzo, who was in the middle of cleaning all the dishes from last night. It was a sight i've never imagined seeing, and i couldn't help but to led out a silent gasping laugh. He heard, turned around and put down the soapy sponge he had in his hand.