Strawberry ice cream

''What makes us human, by Adrena Calero

The thing that makes us human, is what we can't control. The impulses, feelings, emotions and behavior that comes from the deepest of inside our core, is what defines us. 

From outside, it can be pretty tough to figure out a person. The guy who seems to be the toughest, can also be the one who cries himself to sleep at night. The woman who laughs the hardest, might be the saddest one on the room. And the kid who pretends the game he's playing is fun, is still thinking about his parents fight, from the night before. 

Sometimes we're so quick to judge. That's how nature raised us. For our own good. We have to look out for predators, dangers, psychopaths and liars, and sometimes we're a bit too far out with the leash.

And that's where we're the weakest. When we aren't in control. When we're as human, as we'll ever be.''

**Adrena's point of view**