Look farther than your anger and you will find hatred.
It seems like my supreme king has become fond of the Grand Duchess. You must be unique then. To move so much the heart of Rouge Noir. Perhaps, you want me to call a specific name ?
Penny: I thought your master told you to rest.
Rest. So soon. I'm not like that. So, your answer ?
Penny: Leave me alone.
I wonder...SHE did tell me not to act rashly. But the person before me is the daughter of a mountain. How am I supposed to just tag along ?....Then again, there is still time before the en--
Penny: What are you mumbling about ?
Ohh..Just how I should kill you right now ? Why ? Wanna join my feelings ?
Penny: Huhh..
"LAVOIRIA MERRY !!! Lay a finger on her and I'll fucking---"
Kill me ? Where you stand right now is but a comfy floor....But anyway, I'm not sure of what's going on. Is the person behind you Levy Merry ?
Merry Kingdom's King, Levy Merry: Yes and you must the imposter.
Imposter...such strong words.. It pains my heart.
"Who are you, really ? Are you Rosé ?!!"
You are not asking the right question ? Too bad.. You won't get an answer today. Now that Levy Merry joined the party, my master will be very happy. I hope you get your answer to your thousand questions with Levy. And I hope you are still at the top the next time we meet. Ohh and just so you know. Your little Kingdom is no more. Good luck, then...
"Wait !!--"
Merry Kingdom's King, Levy Merry: Don't. He's Rosé's. You won't be a match. I think you just got scammed, boy.
Penny: Humm..Might be the wrong moment to ask but what is going on ?
"You heard him. My kingdom's gone. Your kingdom's gone. We lost everything. I was manipulated and I didn't notice. War, my ass. You were right, Penny. I never had a chance against someone like Rosé. I'll prove THAT FAKE ASS BUTLER wrong, Piece of a MOTHER-fucker, !! Rosé, you are going down next."
To be continued...