Necriosse Belle is my name. I am Rosé's. Sold off by my family. And now, I am the strategist of Centuria. Nice to finally meet you. Ohh, and I'm not a boy....
Centuria's Queen, Rosé: Already done, Belle ?
Yes, My Supreme Queen. Things went smoothly as ever. Like always. Your son was easy to dupe. I ordered the minions I trained back in Mono to activate every nuclear weapon. By now, everything must have went boom. And for Masca, dead too. I made sure to kill everyone.
Centuria's Queen, Rosé: Good ! You are worth the amount I paid to get you. Finally, capqble workers. Go rest now, you need it. Thank you, Belle.
Thank you, My Supreme Queen.
Centuria's Queen, Rosé: She's gone. Come out ! The Earl Necriosse Belledebubbe.
The Earl: The god of life and death had a contact with a mortal. A mortal you must know of. In this world, he must be your son. Well, first, Its Veiron who forced me to come. And second, you better treat him well. That boy has the support of that god. And if this latter threatens the plan of 'Ramattra Perfendis', you and I will have a serious problem..
Centuria's Queen, Rosé: Rouge Noir. I see, I will look into it right away. Do not worry, Earl Of The Necriosse House and First Hand of 'Ramattra Perfendis'.
The Earl: ...Before I part, is she doing okay ?
Centuria's Queen, Rosé: Belle is doing perfect. She handled her first mission perfectly. So, no problem...
The Earl: Okay. See you later, then..
Centuria's Queen, Rosé: No problem at all...Except, I just did the worst to Rouge. And I'm sure I'm his worst enemy, right now. Shit !!!!
And listening from afar, The Earl....
The Earl: [Smirk]..Looks like the plan is going swiftly...
To be continued...