The Young Man

Angela never payed attention to him either because she was always too busy worrying about her grades. When she finally noticed him one night at the library, she approached him and asked him his name. He said his name was Johnathan Amos, and that he knew who she was because they were in the same Chemistry class. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said "I never noticed you." "That's alright," he replied, "I'm good at not being noticed hahaha!" They talked for a few hour before she realized what time it was, and told him she had to get going. "May I walk you home?" He asked. "No, thank you, I can walk myself home. I do appreciate it though." She responded. They said their good nights and preceded to go their own ways. Or so she thought.

As she was walking home, she kept having this feeling that someone was following her. Watching her every move. She's never had this feeling before until after she met Johnathan. All the sudden an uneasy, nauseating, feeling came over her. She finally made it back to her dorm room where she felt safe because her roommate was there. Awake thankfully, because she needed someone to talk to. "I feel like I was being followed on my way back tonight." She said to Janet. "It was the most uneasy feeling that I've ever felt in my entire life!" I really felt bad for Angela. I wish I could console her and make her feel better. Then Janet said something that just infuriated me! "So, go to the police then, to talk to me about it. What am I supposed to do about it?" Angela was very hurt by her remark that she started to cry. All she wanted was for someone to talk to, someone to be friends with, someone that would try to understand her feelings, but instead, he got a cold hearted person for a roommate that didn't give two cares in the world about her. I know how that feels to not have someone to talk to about certain things because of fear of being judged.

Angela, despite her uneasy feeling of being followed, left the room and took a walk. Maybe she was over exaggerating, maybe she was just paranoid. Either way, she had to clear her mind of those negative thoughts. It was 10 o'clock at night and it was a comfortable evening for a walk. She put her earbuds in and turned her music on. Starting on her walk, she forgot about her worry about somebody following her because the music she was listening to and the beautiful evening was just so comforting.

As she was walking, she came upon a fountain that radiated with beautiful lights and calming waters. She sat down at a bench that over looked the fountain and just gazed at its beauty. As she sat there, she all of the sudden got that feeling agin that she was being watched. She looked around and saw nobody there. A little bit at ease, she went back to her music and gazing at the fountain.