The Great Escape

Adam has been locked up for about a month

He's been in the same place ever since his capture and has not been given a chance to move.

He wasn't even given a bucket to use as a toilet

He was beaten physically almost everyday until he became unconscious and was also inflicted with mental abuse by his parents.

But one days while his parent were out Alexander sneaked into the cellar to meet Adam

Adam kept looking on the floor quietly

Alexander sat on the chair and watched Adam for a while,

Eventually he decided to speak to Adam

"Hey are you alive?"

No response from Adam

"You've been here for an entire month beaten black and blue and yet you still haven't said a word...

Very impressive not only that we fed you every 3 days with just an apple and half a cup of water mixed with a powder that stops your system temporarily and yet your still here with soo much attitude"

Alexander gets off the chair smiling at Adam

"Do you know ever since I was a kid it's always been about Adam..

Every birthday, mum and dad would be like oh did you hear Adam saved this person, Adam did this, Adam did that, what about me?

You know I worked hard in school, I always came top of the class..

I trained daily and even became a player

I climbed up the rank within our guild and yet no recognition from mum and dad...

Now tell me older brother is that fair?

Me, who has lived with mum and dad has been forgotten and you who was left in the tower to be centre of attention"

Alexander walks up to Adam towering over him places his foot onto Adams chest pressing in slowly

"I hate you soo much that I'm willing to kill you here right now, but you see as your my older brother I'll give you a chance

Tell me who you have told about your existence and I will free you from this pain and suffering that your being put through,

This way you can finally be a good big brother and let mum and dad give me attention for once and see how great I am..

And you who is always causing us pain can just die a quick and painless death, so what do you say?"

Adam starts to mumbles really quiet

Alexander moves his head closer to Adam

Adam whispers something again

"Huh what was that speak up" Alexander says as he leans forward

Adam whispers bit louder

Alexander "I can't hear you what is it your saying"

Alexander puts his head much closer to Adam

Adam whispers again " you... want... to... know?"

Alexander laughs and says "good, good tell me who you've told and when I tell mum and dad that i got the information out of you they will be happy and you can die with ease"

Adam whispers again

Alexander gets right up close leans over and places his face besides Adam right side of face

Both faces parallel to each other

Adam says "The only person that knows about me is ...."

And with that Adam quickly turns and bites Alexanders ear taking off a chunk causing blood to spew out and forcing Alexander to stand up screaming and holding his ear

"aaarggh you f******* little s*** you bit my f****** ear"

Alexander started to kick and punch Adam over and over again

He than grabs Adams right ear and yanks it off, Adam ear spewing out blood everywhere

Alexander takes a deep breath

"Now where even"

Adams head faced towards the ground unconscious with blood dripping out his mouth, nose and from his missing ear

Alexander walks away leaving the room

A few moments later Adam opens his bruised eyes only able to see a tiny amount, vision blurry, spits out an earring onto the floor,

Using his foot picks up the earring and places it in his shackled hands

Adam straightens out and moulds the earring into a key and begins to use it as a pick lock

He was able to unlock the shackles on his feet and moved onto unlocking the bar on his chest and was finally able to stand up

He started to yank the shackles around his hands but because he was too weak he started to chew his right wrist allowing blood to flow down the hand and drop onto the floor, he chewed and chewed through his right hand spitting out chunks of flesh and skin and eventually was able to rip his right hand out freeing his hands from being tied.

He started to stumble around as he made his way to the stairs, he climbs the stairs hold the rail with his left hand while his right hand unable to move

He twists the door handle and found it to be unlocked, allowing him to open the door slowly and quietly

He could hear Alexander in the bathroom on the second floor either having a shower or cleaning up his ear

Adam staggered around dropping things here and there made it to the front door

He left the house bruised up, bleeding profusely, bare footed and barely able to see,

He calls for Shadow

However still no response,

Adam stumbles around and makes it to an alley way and sits on the floor, breathing heavy puts a finger down his throat forcing himself to puke

After puking numerous times, his system started to glitch along with the voice of Shadow

[Status system...


"mast... ar...yo..k?"

[System blocked...]


[System unable to operate]

Adam weak and feeling feint knew that Alexander will soon realise he's escaped gets back up

"Shadow can you hear me"

"Y....s I"

"Can you form a black hole and teleport me somewhere as far away from here, any where I don't care"

[System blocked]


As Adam tries to walk further into the alley way not knowing where he'll go kept stumbling and eventually fell to the floor, his body to weak for him to even move

Shadow starts to form a black hole

However the dark energy starts to circulate and vanish


"Keep trying shadow I'm sure you can get it done"

Few moments go by and Alexander breaks through his house second floor wall and lands on the ground causing the ground underneath him to crack up

"Adam where are you, you dare leave without my permission!" clenching his teeth fuming at the fact Adam escaped

He starts to run around tightly gripping onto a long massive sword

Adam could hear Alexander shouting in the distance decides to get up and move

Every time he took a few steps he would collapse on the floor, he would get back up and try again and agin

Alexander running around runs past the alley way and then stops suddenly smirking to himself

"Haha I found you"

Alexander stood by the exit of the alley way and started to walk towards Adam who he watched stumble around falling all over the place

"Big brother how could you not say goodbye to your younger brother"

And with that said Alexander threw his sword at Adam cutting off Adams left foot

Adam falls to the ground blood spewing out

Alexander walks over to Adam who is inches away from dying

"Do you think you will die from this...

I don't think so"

Alexander injects Adams leg with a potion that stops blood from leaving the body temporarily

"Now I think it's your turn to say thank you hehe" Says Alexander laughing at Adam

Adam remains quiet tries to crawl away

Alexander towers over Adam and stabs him right through his right leg

Adam is in excruciating pain, not giving Alexander the satisfaction remains quiet

Using his telepathy speaks to Shadow

"Shadow I don't care just get me out of here otherwise I will be dead so do what you can"

Shadow keeps trying to form a black hole to teleport Adam away

A number of times dark energy starts to gather and than vanishes

Alexander picks up Adam and lifts him over his shoulder and starts to walk back to the house

As they headed to the house leaving the alley way

A small black hole was formed but started to get smaller as time progressed

Adam knew he would find it difficult to escape from Alexanders hands by force decided best thing to do is to bite scratch and do what ever he could

So Adam using any blood leaking out of him dashed it on Alexanders eyes causing him to drop Adam

"You son of a b***, I'm going to kill you"

Alexander wipes his eyes and by the time his vision comes back Adam had disappeared

"Where the f*** did you go you stupid little s***"

Alexander fuming starts to look around only to find the alleyway empty

Alexander all confused heads home scared off his parents reactions, begins to think of an excuse.

Adam had successfully made it into the black hole however with the system glitching and Shadow unable to leave Adams shadow

Adam was teleported to a random hotel onto a bed in England somewhere.

He lay there with blood slowly spewing out as the injection Alexander used is starting to wear off.

Adam lay their unconscious, system unavailable and with blood dripping out of him, his life seems to be at an end.