Flashback - It All Started With A Lie Part 3

It was early morning and Jack and Lana were standing outside the college entrance for Hana

After 20 minutes of waiting, Hana was seen by the two of them

Lana and Jack walk up to Hana

"Hey Hana were surprised to see you here" Says Lana

"Hello, Lana Jack what erm doing here? , Sorry English not so good"

"We were just site seeing and we just so happen to see you from the distance and thought we'd say hi, how have you been?"

"museun mal-eulhaneunji moleugess-eoyo (I have no idea what your saying)" laughs Hana as she nods her head

"I go school now good seeing you" Hana bows and is about to leave, but Jack stops her and hands her a gift box

"Open it when you get home"

Hana happily accepts the gift and starts to walk away

"Oh Hana dear we will be going to China and would love to see Lei Bao and Wang Lei would you know where they live?"

Hana confused only understood the words Lei Boa and Wang Lei replies with

"Wang Lei is red dragon guild"

Hana runs off, while Jack and Lana walk way all happy

Few hours later Jack and Lana are on a plane to China, they were aiming to reach the guild known as 'Red dragon'

"Hey Jack do you think it'll work with Hana, Ji-hoon found out that we tried to poison him?"

"Don't worry honey Hana and Ji-hoon are totally different people, Hana is just a dumb kid who is yet to understand the real world while Ji-hoon has always been a smart guy"

Hana later that day once college finished went to her accommodation. She gets changed and starts to prepare dinner for herself. She sat down and noticed the gift from Jack and Lana

"geudeul-i na-ege seonmul-eul jun iyu? (Why did they give me a gift)?

geunyang yeolgo geugeos-i mueos-inji hwag-inhasibsio (Lets just open it and see what it is)"

Hana opens up the gift and finds it to be a potion with a letter

Boosting potion will level player up x5

"Huh igeon michin jis-iya igeon ganeunghae! (this is crazy, is this possible!)"

Hana excitedly takes the lid off and starts to chug it down

A few seconds later she started to feel a pain shoot from her brain to her feet. Hana starts to scream in agony with blood spewing out of her eyes, ears and mouth

Hana realised that she was poisoned and remembers Jack and Lana mentioning Wang Lei. While in pain she pulls out her phone and messages Wang Lei. Her body shaking and her strength decreasing. each time she presses down on the phone screen she screamed due to immense pain from the poison

"Lana,Jack dangerous coming to you"

And with that she collapses and passes away.

The very next day Lana and Jack found the location of the red dragons base, they were hoping to see Lei Bao and Wang Lei by introducing themselves as friends who are just visiting

They stood in front of a gold and red door with a solid wall surrounding the base, every few meters there were statues of dragons mounted on the top side of the wall and red dragons hung up on the side

"Jack I don't know about this, I feel like we need to find another way to meet them"

"Don't worry we'll just go in, gift them and escape as fast as, besides no one knows that were here"

They walk up to the two guards standing in front of them and ask to see Lei Bao and Wang Lei

The guards whisper to each and open the gate, They smirk and quietly giggle as Jack and Lana enter into the guild base front garden that had a path leading them to the guild building

"Wow this place is amazing look at all the different flowers I'm sure their used for medicinal purposes, If we...."

While Lana spoke Jack placed his hand in front of her stopping her from taking another step

"Huh Jack what are you doing"

"Shhh Lana looks like were being targeted...

look around can't you see were surrounded" says Jack as we nervously looks around

Lana looks around and she notices red ninjas all over the place, The ninjas pop out from trees, jump down from the building roof and even emerge out of the pond that was near by

Lana and Jack stood their confused as to why they were being treated like this

"Erm I'm not sure what's happening here but we've only come to see our friends Wang Lei and Lei Bao..

Call them they will know us"

From the building Wang Lei and Lei Bao come out

Jack started to shout

"Lei Bao it's me Jack please tell everyone that we're friends of yours"

Wang Lei and Lei Bao remain quiet

Wang Lei throws over his phone to Jack who catches it

As soon as Jack read the message that was sent by Hana he knew he was in trouble and that they had entered a trap

Wang Lei raised his right hand signalling the ninjas to attack and walked back inside the guild.

Some of the ninjas rushed in attacking Lana and Jack, and the others threw weapons like shrikes and daggers towards them

Lana using her skill 'Divine star' to defend her self from the weapons that were being thrown towards her

[ Skill - Divine star lvl 7

Description - Player has a bright star orbiting around their body defending them from attacks. The star can also be used for attacks. The star is compressed heat in the form of a star and can burn through steel. Player can use skill for 5 minutes with a cool down of 30 minutes]

Jack starts to fight against a group of ninjas, each strike he throws fails to hit his target

The ninjas also attack Jack simultaneously but are unable to penetrate Jacks tough skin

Lee Bao leaves the building to watch Jack and Lana face the the endless ninjas wave while Lei Bao was ordered to stay inside

Lei Bao jumps into the sky and uses his skill red flame

[ Skill - Red Flame lvl 23

Description - Player shoots fire out his mouth that can reach a distance of 3 meters]

His flame is aimed towards Lana was blocked by her Divine star

While the Divine star was protecting Lana from lei Bars attack, a ninja sneaks behind Lana and stabs her in the back

Jack watches Lana get stabbed screams infuriated he uses his skill rampage

"You b****** I'm going to f****** kill you!"

[ Skill - Rampage lvl 43

Description - Player stats increase +50 however player will not be able to control his body. Rampage lasts a duration of 5 minutes afterwards player will have 1 minute to rest before his body stiffens up with shooting pain for 45 minutes]

Jack eyes turn red and his speed and strength become monstrous every ninja that was near him were thrown away easily as if they had no weight to them

Jack charges towards the ninja who stabbed Lana and punches him directly in the face causing him to fly of his feet and smashed into a pillar

Jack jumps into the air mush higher than Lei Bao and kicks the air forcing him to change direction and charge towards Lei head first

Lei uses his skill once again shoots fire from his mouth but with Jacks tough skin and his skill rampage active, Jack continues his charge with out avoiding the flame still taking damage from the flame eventually grabs Lei Boa from his forehead and throws him towards the ground

Lei Bao slams into the ground smashing the ground from under him

Blood is spat out of his mouth

But JacK still in the air kicks the air again to increases his speed charges towards Lei Bao who has landed on the floor and using his fist smashes into Lei Bao chest breaking his bones and crushing his heart

With that Jack regains consciousness and quickly grabs Lana

They rush towards the exit but the ninjas bolt towards them trying to stop them from escaping

Shurikens and daggers being thrown at the two,

With Lana being carried by Jack most of the weapons were deflected and some scratching Jacks skin causing shallow cuts,

Lana bleeding out quickly uses her skill burning light blinding the ninjas in the area allows them to make a quick escape

Lei Bao has been killed but Wang Lei remains alive.

Jack and Lana safely escape out of the red dragon base and have made their way home safely

Jack is laying in bed in agony unable to move while Lana is bandaging herself from the stab wound she received from the fight

"Jack what are we going to do? Wang Lei is still alive and now we have no way of getting to him"

"Grrrr don't grrrr worry it'll be grrrr fine" Growling in pain and unable to move

After Lana and Jack rest they make their way back to the airport only to find Wang Lei with an army of his guild members all dress in red ninja suits patrolling the area

"Jack Jack what are we going to do?"

"Hmmm let me think if they are all here then they must know that we will be heading back to England...

I think the best thing we can do is cause a diversion and escape, however this is also out best chance to get Wang Lei what do you think"

"I think the best course of action is to escape and come find Wang Lei later"

"Ok, ok so let's head back to the red dragon f*** shit up their and than quickly make our way back here"

"I don't think that'll work, they will have people at the base and here so it won't do us any good"

"Hmm I think I have another way, remember the mercenary group lead by Richard the fifth,

I think if we can get his help we will not only be able to escape this place but also take out Wang lei while were at it"

"Jack if we call Richard than you do know that our guild we be funding his mercenary group for the rest of our lives"

"I think it's best to have them work for us now and also to deal with future threats, we will keep this a secret from our investors and everyone else at the guild so what do you think?"

"I don't know... I think it's too much of a risk let's just hide out here for a while until things cool down"

"Lana listen to me Richard may be untrustworthy but we can use him,

Richard can help us reach new heights so trust me it'll be fine"

Lana agrees to call Richard for help

Jack calls up Richard and tells him that he has caused an incident with the red dragon guild and that they are now trapped in China unable to get back to England

Richard agrees to help Jack get out of China but in return the Divine beast guild will owe him and one day he will come to collect.

It took a few days and Richard had sent over an assassin to kill Wang Lei along side a person known as the transporter who has the ability to teleport from one location to another

The transporter took Jack and Lana back to England where they focused on creating new potions and weapons

Wang Lei was assassinated a week later while he slept at home by the assassin.

Few years go by and the guild Divine beast was known throughout the world to be the guild with the best weapons and potions

They were able to create an edible powder that you put into food and the result would be temporarily shutting dow the system.

They also created potions that could boost a players level +1

Ever since Lana and Jack heard about Adam being alive, their other son Alexander was always forgotten.

Alexander would train hard and learn as much as he could in order to get some attention from his parents, but it always failed because there was always something new heard about Adam that always became top priorty

Both Jack and Lana consumed a lot of player boosting potions to increase their levels expecting Adam to come one day.

Years go by Jack and Lana receive the notification



[Congratulation The Tutorial tower has been conquered

in 9 months the tower 'Olympus' will open

Let the games begin]

Lana calls Jack

"Jack the towers fallen I think Adams out"

"Don't panic we worked hard to get here and have planned everything so when you do see him just act like normal ok, don't worry I'm coming to you"

Few hours later Lana was shopping with Jack and while walking she finds a man standing in front of her with a face of shock just staring at her

Lana's mind started to go haywire thinking

{Who is that man staring at me?,

Why is he watching me could it be...

I think its him,

It must be him, It has to be him, I know it's him ....}

"Adam...Adam is that you, my baby Adam I missed you so much!"

Lana drops her shopping bags and runs towards Adam embracing him.