Second Floor Of The Phoenix Gate Part 1




[0:00 times up

Mission Successful]

[Player has lasted the time allocated and can now enter floor 2]


Right in front of them a red gate was formed out of thin air

"Master shall we get going?"

"Just few minutes and we'll go in I'm just looking at my stats"


[Adam lvl 1020 - Rank A+

Titles - Tower Master

Hp - 8250/ 8250

Strength - 1106

Speed - 1156

Intelligence - 525

Wisdom - 510

Magic - 2360

Stamina - 3506

Agility - 1206

Defence - 1806

Dexterity -1756

Profession - Chef Lvl Max

Skill - Demon Slave lvl 19 - Contracted / Shadow : Rank - Sergeant / Lightning : Rank - Commander

Skill - Rotten Eater lvl Max

Skill - Poison Resistance lvl Max

Skill - Heat resistance lvl Max

Skill - Pain resistance lvl Max

Skill - Acid Resistance lvl 85

Skill - Cold Resistance lvl Max

Skill - Mental resistance lvl Max

Skill - Fearless lvl Max

Skill - Bad to the bone lvl 90

Skill - Magic Resistance lvl Max

Skill- Six Sense lvl Max

Skill -Meditation lvl Max

Skill - Auto Slime lvl 1]


"I changed my title to 'Tower Master' Lets see if I can use it in this gate"


[Unable to activate Title 'Tower Master' due to player is not in a tower]


"Well that's useless ok let's change it to back to 'God Slayer'..

Ok now I'm ready for the seconds floor"

Adam walks into the gate only to come out onto another desert but this time there was a a massive pyramid right in front of them, made from large sand bricks



[Player has entered the second floor of the 'S' rank gate known as Ancient Egypt Reach the top floor of the pyramid to enter floor 3

Reward for conquering 'S' rank gate will be Platinum mystery box]


The three of them walk into the pyramid and the place was dark with lights showing a path towards a room that was roughly 20 meters ahead of them

They walk towards the room wary of any traps however no traps were triggered

Once they enter the room they found it to a massive arena like with rows offsets surrounding a stage with a door at the opposite end.

Standing in the centre of the stage was man with a hawk head, his body was covered in thick feathers, his entire body was dark grey in colour with shades of red, his eyes right eye was blazing red and his left eye was pearl white, He had gold accessories around his neck and in his feathered hair, he had long wings and his hands where of humans but with talons as nails

As Adam walked up on to the stage his system activated



[Horus level 2000

Description - Horus the God of Kingship and the Sky, his right eye is the sun and left eye moon. He has superhuman strength, stamina. His body does not bruise, his bones do not break and his skin can not be cut.

Hp - 16000/16000

Strength - 5000

Speed - 1500

Intelligence - 500

Wisdom - 800

Magic - 1500

Stamina - 10000

Agility - 500

Defence - 10000

Dexterity - 500]

"Huh what is wrong with this guy is he really an 'S' rank, his stamina, strength and defence is ridiculous...

And what does it mean his right eye is the sun, it's red not the sun and his left eye is the moon noo it's white...

How am I going to beat him hmmm...

So we have to face another so called God, hey lightening did you know you were known as the Lightning God until I beat you and now your just Lightning haha"

Lightning just nods quietly

As Adam stood on the stage, Shadow and Lightning followed only to stand slightly behind Adam

Horus who stood in the centre looked towards Adam, his gaze piercing through Adam causing shivers down his spine

"You there come here and bow down to me, I am Horus a God to you humans" Horus says in a deep voice

"Huh look here bird head you ain't no God to me and I'm not bowing to a bird head like you , I just want to go up those stairs behind you so if you don't want any trouble than let us go"

Horus annoyed at Adam for not bowing to him sends out a heat wave from his right eye, his right eye starts to blaze with fire rising from his eyes edge

Adam puts his hands in a cross formation guarding his face

[Heat resistance activated]

"Huh my skill activated haha" Adam said nervously laughing

Horus than sent a ice wave towards Adam using his left eye with steam rising from his left eyes edge

Adam again guarded his face using his hands

[Cold Resistance activated]

"Ahahaha you see that bird brain your powers are useless to me"

"Little ant dares to mock me"

Horus clicks his fingers and from the rows of seats surrounding the stage, a horde mystical beasts started to emerge


[Serpopard lvl 500

Description - Creatures with the body of a leopard with the neck and head of a venomous snake]


"Shadow, Lightning get ready it's going to be a long day"

There was hundreds of Serpopards rushing down towards the three of them

Adam pulls out his sword 'Demon Slayer', Lightning started to form his lightning bolts and Shadow started to form many black holes around him

The Serpopards finally reached the stage and started to pounce at the three of them while Horus stood there watching

Shadow kept moving about using his black holes and had formed two blades from dark energy and would cut the necks of the serpopard and stabbing the body to stop it from moving

Lightning using his speed to keep his distance from the Serpopoards while moving lightning fast and using his 'electric bomb' to electrocute the Serpopards

Adam on the other hand kept dodging the snake bites and swipes from the leopards paws and would use his move 'bloody wave' to slice through the snake head and leopard body

The battle went on for at least 5 minutes before Shadow and Lightning started to feel the affects of their stamina dropping at a rapid pace, this was because of all the dodging and attacking they had to do against the Serpopards, while Horus kept shooting out heat waves to increase the temperature of the environment

Each time the heads of the snakes are cut poisonous acid is spewed out of the necks, if touched could deal a serious amount of damage to Adams health

Horus on the other hand was full of energy, hasn't even moved from his spot and just watched the endless waves of Serpopards attacking the three intruders.

The only thing he did was randomly shoot out a heat wave from his right eye

"F*** we need to do something , at this point we'll end up getting our A** beat"

"Master I don't know how many are left they just keep coming, I think we need to leave this place and come back with more players"

"Huh no we've come too far just to run, let's continue fighting and I'll come up with something"

Adam carried on fighting for another few minutes eventually realising that Horus hasn't even moved

He started to think that if he could defeat Horus, it may stop the endless horde of Serpopards rushing towards them

"Lightning, Shadow cover me I'm going to attack Horus"

"Huh you do know that we have our hands full"

Lightning agreed with Shadow by nodding

"Listen to me if you want to stop the horde of Serpopards than protect me from the Serpopards so that I can take on Horus"

"Ok but I don't know how long we will last, this floor is insanely hard"

Adam starts to charge towards Horus and every time a Serpopard try to attack Adam, Shadow and Lightning interfere preventing anyone from stopping Adams charge towards Horus

As soon as Adam reaches Horus using his blade strikes Horus

Horus stood their watching Adam sword bounce off his body

"Boy do you think that you could hurt me?"

Not even a scratch was inflicted to Horus

"Don't worry bird brain I'm going to slice you up reeaaal nice"

Adam rushes in and using his blade swung it around hitting different body parts of Horus however no damage was dealt

Horus Hp still remained at 16,000

Adam rushed in once more this time he threw his sword towards Horuses right eye and as soon as the tip of the sword touched Horuses eye,

Adam using all his strength punched the bottom of the sword handle to push the sword deep into the eye of Horus

But Horus didn't even move or flinch in fact his eye wasn't cut or even pushed in

Adam jumps back grabbing onto his sword

Horus who's just been standing allowing Adam to strike charges to wards Adam

His wings spread wide flying towards Adam, using his sharp talons swipe at Adam

Adam jumps further back just about dodging the attack was still damaged by the energy transmitted through the air,

He felt as if he was scratched right in the chest with a Pitch fork

"What the heck, I just bout dodged your attack but the wave of energy just by swinging your arms took 1000 hp of life...




Hey bird brain how is this fair I can't damage you but you just waving your hands you can damage me, this is a joke."

"Bow down and worship me as your lord and I will give you a quick death"

"Huh who in there right minds would do that, from what you said were dead either way"

Adam turns to his back and sees Shadow and Lightning bowing their heads

"Stop that you jack asses you don't need to bow your dead either way"

Sorry master we thought he could leave us be if we did"

" Lets leave this room, I don't think we can beat him"

Adam turned away from Horus and tried to flee, heading back into the hallway where they first entered from

As they fled they would kill every Serpopard that tried to get in their way as they reached the exit Horus had flew over them and stood in the way causing Adam and the others to stop abruptly

With the Serpopards still attacking, Adam cut the head of the snake and kicked the body towards Horus who stood at the door

Horus with just a swing of his arm flung the body meters away causing the body to smash into the wall

Adam had followed the body charged in punching and kicking but Horus just placed his swung arm back to his side not taking Adam attacks into consideration. It was as if Adan was a fly

As soon as Horus swung his arm to attack Adam,

Adam jumped backwards and Shadow instantly formed a black hole in front of Adam to prevent Adam from taking any damage from the wave of energy caused by the swing

"You two I think I found a way to beat Horus, listen up I need you two to kill the serpopards and form puddles form their poisonous acid all over the place"

The reason Adam wanted the poison was when he was charging towards Horus hiding his position behind the flung Serpopards body

When Horus flung the body away, some of the poisonous acid dripped onto Horus causing the tip of one feather to become slightly scorched

And while Adam was striking Horus saw a glimpse of a slight burnt mark on one of Horuses feathers

Adam looked at Horus status window and found Horus Hp to have decreased slightly. It went from 16000hp to 15999hp

Adam pulls out his sword and starts to dip it in the poisonous puddle by his side

"This bird man can't be cut or take any damage from my attacks but now I know he can get damaged by poison...

If this works I can win, his stats show me that he's too confident in his strength and so has low evasive movements so I can strike him easy...

But if I take even one blow I think I'm done for..."

Adam started to charge towards Horus and using his blade that was coated in poison slashed Horus only causing a pencil line burnt mark, reducing Horus hp by 3hp

"Huh my full strength slash only damaged him 3hp, this is a joke"

Horus who felt a slight tingle put his guard up, his hands no longer pointing the floor were now palm open facing Adam

Adam stood at a distance was about to charge forward however Horus beat Adam to it and rushed towards Adam first

With Horus being faster then Adam,

Adam couldn't move his feet fast enough to dodge, put up his hands to guard his face and jumped with his knees up to his chest curling himself into a ball

Horus palm strike smacked Adam causing him to fly in the air like a ball, smashing into the back wall

Adam who's hp went from 7250hp to




Adam climbs out the wall and stands in a bent over position on the ground coughing up blood

"What the f*** was that, I take 1000 hp damage from the air after he swings his arms and 5000 damage from contact"

Adam using his telepathy tells Shadow to hand him over a bottle of his 'healing potion 1.0'

Shadow formed a black hole next to Adam and handed the potion over while fighting Serpopards a bit further away

Horus starts to walk towards Adam who just drank the potion

Adam started to coat his sword again and accidentally splashed some on his hand


[Poison Resistance activated]

[Acid Resistance activated]

"Oh would you look at that" Adam says with a sinister smile

Adam started to roll in the posion coating himself along with his sword

He also started to wash his face and all

Shadow and Lightning who watched Adam in the distance thought Adam had lost it and has turned crazy from fighting this monster Horus

Adam now smiling and laughing out loud

"Now you f*** up bird brain"

Adam using his 'God Slayer' title used Lightning skill to increase his speed

He sped up and attacked Horus from all sorts of angles while Horus unable to catch Adam just took the small amount of damage from each attack

3hp damage taken from each attack, Horus only felt it as a tingle

While Adam was attacking Horus the time limit of 1 minute had reached its end

Adam had only given 270 damage to Horus hp

Adam jumped back to coat his sword but was followed by Horus

As he notices Horus get closer he jumps even further away but Horus had grabbed onto Adam by the neck

Adam kept poking Horus giving him 3hp damage while being choked

Few seconds of being choked Adam started to move his body around uncontrollably trying to get Horus to release his grip

Eventaully Horus started to talk

"Boy you dare attack this Godly body of ....."

Adam spat out a large amount of poison he held in his mouth all over Horus

The poison went into the eyes and mouth of Horus who started to cough rub his eyes

Adam breathing heavy trying to catch his breath

"I waited and waited for that mouth of your to open, if you remained silent I think I would have died hahaha"

Adam noticed the hp of horus decreased by 100 after spitting on his face

Adam started to swing his sword striking Horus while he was bent over coughing dealing very small amounts of damage

Horus screams causing all the Serpopards to charge at Adam

Both Lightning and Shadow rush towards Adam side and guard Adam from the waves of Serpopards trying to attack Adam

"Guys just keep forming poison everywhere, I think I can win"

Horus after the scream started to look around his vision had become blurry because of the poison hitting his eyes

Adam coated his sword once again with poison and also placed some in his mouth as well

Adam charged once again striking Horus dropping his hp little by little

Horus swing his hands wildly unable to see

Adam avoids most of the attacks and when ever he felt like he was taking too much damage he would spit the poison onto Horuses face, and jump back to drink a healing potion

He would then charge right in and strike Horus

The battle lasted roughly an hour and Horus finally fell to his knees, his entire body looking burnt and his eyes blinded

Horus growling

"I am a God you dare bring me to my knees, I will Ki...."

"Bla,bla,bla listen here bird brain you can call your self a God, but you see I am the God Slayer hahaha"

With Horus on his knees the Serpopards endless wave also came to an end as the remaining Serpopards started to flee

There was thousands of dead Serpopards bodies laying all over the stage with bodies even piling on top of each other

Shadow and Lightning walked over and stood by Adams, exhausted and worn out

All three towering over Horus who at first felt invincible was now found looking like a injured bird

"Master you got lucky with the poison let's just end this and make our way out of this place the poison smell is making me feel sick"

Adam using his blade that is still coated with poison starts to strike Horus over and over again eventually killing Horus

With the death of Horus and the thousands of Serpopards, Adam levelled up multiple times and his skill demon slave also levelled up

"You two start to gather the material useful to us"

Shadow and Lightning started to strip the skin of the Serpopard along with the claws and also cutting out it's venom glands

Adam started to search the body of Horus and found the gold accessories around his neck and the eyes of Horus had transformed into rings


[Item - Horus golden Necklace

Class - A+

Description - Players Defence increases +100]


[Item - Horus Sun Ring

Class - A++

Description - Emits a devastating Heat wave that gives damage of 75hp. Uses 17 magic points per use]


[Item - Horus MoonRing

Class - A++

Description - Emits a devastating Ice wave that freezes opponent for 10 seconds. Uses 17 magic points per use]


Adam 'demon slayer' sword started to vibrate violently while being attached to his waist

Adam takes it out and tries to stab the body of Horus unable to pierce his body

Adam poked Horus in his hollow eyes and nothing happened

"I don't understand this sword why are you vibrating, this body can't be cut"

While Adams thinking of a way to feed his sword the sword starts to vibrate again

Blood started to seep out of dead body and starts to be absorbed by the sword

"What the heck, this sword is hella weird, I found it on floor 80 in an egg that was at the bottom of lake filled with blood and not water...

And lately it's been very active, I'm so confused"

After a few hours pass by and the three of them had gathered all the useful materials

They even ate the meat of the Serpopard body.

"Ok Let's head to the second floor I'm sure It can't be any worse then this floor...

A God who's body can't be cut or damaged and an endless amount of Serpopards attacking us with no end in sight,

I'm glad we're leaving this floor".