Chapter 29: Delia (Part 2)

I was suspecting that Delia might be some kind of kidnapper but tutorial bot said that this pregnant woman is genuinely trying to help me, and is worried about me. Trusting his words, I just decided to go with her. I haven't had contact with people other than my family for a few months now. She's the first one I've talked with so far.

The line was long since it had around 30 or so people waiting in the line, and it is still increasing. But, strangely, most of them are carrying bags with a lot of wild mushrooms with them, and some were filled with wild vegetables too.

After 30 minutes or so, it was finally our turn.

There were two guards with iron armor on, and at their waists were swords. They all had their helmets on, which prevented me from seeing their faces.

A table was present at the side, and one of the guards asked us, "Do you have the required fee to enter?"

"Y-Yes, here." She took out a few bronze notes from one of her pockets and handed it to the guard.

The guard gestured for her to enter but was stopped when they saw me following her.

"Is this kid yours? If so, you would have to pay a few more bronze notes." The guard said, his greed was impossible not to see.

'Should I kill this bastard for extorting these people?' I seriously considered this thought.

"N-No problem." She took out a silver note and gave it to the guard whose eyes shone with green light.

She then waited for the change but the guard didn't even say anything to her until he noticed that she was staying here longer than expected.

"What are you waiting for? Get on moving, others are waiting in line!" The guard angrily said.

Surprised, Delia said, "But the change for my silver note!"

Stunned a bit, and then the two guards laughed at her, and said, "Hahahaha! You seriously expected to get a change for this silver note? You gave this to us, so it's ours now!" Then they laughed harder.

I pulled her hand slightly, and said, "Delia…"

"Shh, shh, don't worry, It's just a silver note. Let's go to my home, okay?" Then she grabbed me by the hand, and we walked away from the laughing guards, entering the kingdom of rock.

Mad, I used my mana to grab every cash they had and they didn't see it because I used my invisibility spell. I didn't have the time to count the pot of notes I stole from the guards, so I just stored them in my storage ring.

'Hah, who's laughing now, fools!' I said in my thoughts, happy that I did something good.

We walked on the crowded street as I saw a lot of men and women going about their day. A lot of food stands were erected on the side of the street, and some were in alleyways.

"Buy some apples, oranges, and melons! They are only 1 silver note each!"

Now, what the f*ck is up with that price? An apple only costs 3 bronze notes each, not 1 silver note! That's highway robbery they're doing! For 1 silver note, I could buy a lot of stuff!

I saw that the other food stands were the same, confusing me even more.

But then, I realized, the reason why those people outside of the gate were carrying bags filled with herbs and the like is that the food in the kingdom is way too overpriced! They are hunting and scavenging for food! But why? Why would the nobles and royalty of this kingdom let that happen? Nobles are supposed to protect the people, the citizens of the kingdom!

Something weird is happening in this kingdom, and I don't like it.

Soon, we reached her house from the last district near the eastern gates of the kingdom. It was the slums.

I saw a lot of disabled people on the streets, begging for a bit of food. What is happening here? The rock kingdom is supposed to be rich because it sells ores like gold to other kingdoms! And the Mythril; they are one of the most expensive ores of all time, second only to adamantine!

It can cost up to 10 platinum notes for a hundred grams since it's so strong that not even a sword can pierce a shirt made of Mythril. And I read from the info book that the rock kingdom could sell 100 to 1000 kilograms of Mythril every year since they have the monopoly of the mines in the rocky mountains!

That means they could earn 1000 platinum notes at the bare minimum or 10,000 at maximum each year! And that's only for Mythril ores, what about other ores? Iron, silver, and gold! They sell those, too!

I don't like seeing people beg on the street for food, I don't want to accept that this is just "part of life" because it isn't!

I saw Delia's house, and it's just like every house here in the slums. An aluminum roof, some wooden walls, and they call it a house.

We entered her house, and heard a shout, "You're finally home, b*tch! Go and cook in the kitchen so that I can eat something."

I saw a man sitting on a chair, missing his left leg. He's unfit; it's obvious that he hasn't worked out in a while. Long messy black hair, a messy beard, wearing nothing for his top, and only wore a pair of shorts.

"Huh? Did you bring a brat with you? Did you f*cking cheat on me, b*tch!? Do you want to die, huh!? Come here so that I can strangle you!!" The man yelled and yelled, but Delia remained stoic and only went to the kitchen, which is just right behind the thin wooden wall where the man was sitting on his chair and just started cooking.

What is this? What kind of man would yell at someone to cook for him? Shouldn't he be more respectful since she is feeding him? It's obvious that he is as lame as a newborn calf, and cannot get food for himself. So how is he such a horrible person towards Delia?

"Hey, mister, why are you speaking to Delia like that?' I asked with curiosity.

He turned to look down at me, and say, "Fuck off, brat, if you don't want to get hurt!"

"Don't yell at the child, Dillan." Delia just said from the kitchen as I heard her washing the vegetables and herbs she probably picked up from the nearby forest.

Suddenly, I heard tutorial bot speak to me in my head.

[This is what you'd call an "abusive relationship". Look at the woman, she's already fed up with him that she's so stoic when talking to him but when she was talking to you, she sounded so sweet. And the man, since he lost his left leg, is obviously depressed and is taking out all of his anger to other people, especially to the woman. He blames the world because he is so useless and pathetic. Watch, Auguste, this kind of abusive relationship is common all over the world]

'Should I kill this man to free Delia from this abusive relationship? She looks so sweet and kind, yet why did she end up with this kind of man? He is pathetic, nothing but a useless sod. I would do the world a favor if I just get rid of him right now.' I said in my thoughts, my anger rising.

[By doing that, you would scare off Delia. Watch for now, and if you can do It secretly, poison him with your poison magic]

Normal in this world? Why? A sweet woman like Delia shouldn't be with this man, she should be happily married to someone who is not like this guy. Since she is going to feed me some of her home cooking, I'll return the favor by killing this man with poison to free her from him.

I'll also give her some rejuvenation pill so that once she gives birth to the child in her belly, she would be able to heal almost instantly. Though, I wonder why I'm thinking of doing this much for her.
