There was no table in her house, and the only chair she had was being used by the lame man. So, we sat on the floor while the man was eating on the chair.
The food she cooked was vegetable soup, and she made just enough for the three of us. Mine's just in a small aluminum bowl, with lots and lots of vegetables… C'mon, at least give me some soup, not just vegetables. Her homemade soup was delicious though, she definitely has the talent to be a great cook.
The lame man greedily ate the bowl of vegetable soup, not caring if anyone was watching him. Couldn't he have some class? Delia is eating so elegantly, and she didn't even waste a single drop of her soup.
I frowned at the man.
'Hmm, maybe this is the best time to kill him with my poison magic? I could excuse it as Delia just picked up some wild plant from the forests, and didn't it know it was poisonous. Yeah, that could work.' I viciously planned in my thoughts.
I felt nothing whenever I thought of killing another being like myself as if I don't even care about their lives. This man is probably a byproduct of this world, and I should be trying to understand him, yet I am already planning to kill him. If I was not born as the creation of my creator and didn't land at Alexander's orphanage but instead landed on a bad orphanage, then I would've probably been like this man.
But even then… I don't care enough about him to show mercy for what he had done to Delia. I can decide whether he lives or not, why? Because I am strong, and in this world, strength is the only thing that matters. If I am stronger than them, why not kill them when they're bad people?
I'll probably do the world a favor if I get rid of people like him. Corrupt nobles, royalties, and every bad person, I'll kill them because that is justice for those they had tormented. I am not a hero but I am just doing what is right… but in all honestly, they just annoy me and that warrants them their lives.
I sat there, eating the soup Delia cooked, looking at Dillan with no apparent emotions in my eyes; like the eyes of a killer.
With a quick spit, a tiny drop of a purple liquid landed on his bowl of soup. He couldn't see it because he was too busy eating, and quite frankly enough, I deem him stupid.
It was quiet, we just ate, and then, so suddenly, the man fell from his chair with bubbles coming out of his mouth. His pupils went back to his head, and his body became colder by the second.
Stunned, Delia couldn't move for a second as she just saw him fall, and then, screamed, "Kyaah! Dillan!" She rushed to his side, trying to wake him up but to no avail.
I slurp my bowl of soup, calmly looking at the already dead body with no concern in my eyes. That poison is a fast-acting one, 10 seconds is all it takes for it to take effect and kill the victim. Why do I know that? Because I made that with my poison magic.
It kills most of the organs in the body, shutting down most of the functions of the human body, and then goes to the brain for a quick kill. It's a poison I designed for mana users, and this is the first time I used it. A waste of mana that was because it cost me 0.1 of my mana energy but I guess it did the job.
Delia grieved a little as she saw the lame man die in her hands, and I went up to her to say, "Are you okay? Where do the people in the slums bury their dead?" I asked her this because we need a cheap way to get rid of this man's body so that it won't cost her any notes to bury him.
She wiped a little tear from her eyes, and said, "W-We don't bury our dead in the slums, we usually just throw them away in the forest for the animals to eat. I don't know what to do, Dillan just died and he's the father of my unborn child. My baby will grow up without a father." She sobbed.
How did they even…? Nevermind…
I consoled her by saying, "Don't worry, you'll be a fine single mother to your child. Look," I took out a few gold bars, "These will help you raise your unborn child, even without the help of, uh, Dillan. You could also find a better guy than him, though I don't know whether they would accept someone who already has a child."
Even though I tried comforting her with my words, honestly, I have no idea what to do. I didn't think this through, and that made me lose options of what to do to help her. Money would definitely solve her problems, and be able to live in a better district, but that's just not it. Everyone would wonder how a pregnant lady was able to get so many gold bars to sell, and they would look at her like a treasure chest.
I don't have better options unless I use my abilities so that she could score some great guy who would accept her even though she already has a child from another man. It's rare to find those kinds of guys but with a little use of my magic here and there, she could, in all possibilities, find a guy like that.
"Where did you get all those gold?" She asked, having stopped her sobbing.
Nervously, I said, "H-Hahaha, Alexander gave these to me for emergencies."
"But how did they appear in thin-air?" She asked, one more time.
Oh no… she's asking too many questions. I need backup!
"Uh, it's stinky," I said, hoping to avert her attention elsewhere.
She looked at Dillan's body, and said, "Oh no, it's bad for a child like you to be near dead bodies! I'll get Dillan's corpse out of the house, maybe some of our neighbors can help us carry him."
With a sigh of relief, I was able to avoid her questions. It's too complicated for her to learn about my powers and abilities, yet. Especially the storage ring, I'm not trusting her to just keep calm about learning a bunch of treasures is just sitting in my storage ring. She might try to assault me and steal the ring!
Heh, that's way too over the top.
Anyway, since she doesn't have the strength to carry a 60 kilograms' male, she decided to just drag the body. Many of her neighbors in the slums saw her dragging the body, and their only responses are, "Good riddance" or "Finally, that lame man finally dropped dead" or "Good for you, Delia, you're such a nice young woman to be with someone like him". So even everyone in the slums hated Dillan?
Heh, I actually felt pity for the guy.
I saw her drag the body across the homeless section, which is where I saw a lot of people begging for food since they are, after all, disabled. They cannot get their own food. It Is ironic to see the self-proclaimed "superior species" begging on the streets like pathetic fools. How laughable, hilarious even!
Yet, a curious question crossed my mind; why don't they take their own lives? I mean, their situation is already like this, it should be better for them to just kill themselves and hope that they could get lucky in their next reincarnation. I've read a lot of stuff like that in the books I have read, and usually, the main character would either say:
"Don't give up on life, there are so many things you can do with your life! You just need to stay positive all the time so that you can rise once again!"
"I don't care whether it's your life or not but you should not waste it for useless things such as negative thoughts. Never take life for granted, because once you're dead, it's all over; everything's just gone!"
It's just harsh to give them hope because, at the end of the day, they will die as nothing but pathetic mortals who haven't done anything good for the large picture of things.
Everyone will die someday, even the so-called "Immortals" will die.
And in the future, there will be a day when you would be last thought of by someone who knows you.
It's futile to live, but hey, maybe I'm wrong. I'm just 3 years old after all.
There is still so much to know about the world, and I've only seen a small spec of it.