Chapter 61: Shark

After eliminating all of them, I quickly retreated and hopped on the trees again, hoping to get more attention. I don't know whether the Iron Defense Squad still has two more members roaming around, they could've been eliminated for all I know. But from what I saw when they were playing around with the 3 monkeys; they were overconfident.

That must mean that they have regrouped faster than everyone else, along with the monkey brothers. In my theory, the reason they regrouped was because they were more proficient when with each other since they rely on teamwork. Why do I know this? Because they trusted each other when I saw them on the stage. Unlike the Biters, who are always testing their dominance towards their teammates, the Iron Defense Squad respected each other and trusted their teammates to have their backs.

So, regrouping was one of the most important things to do for them.

But for some reason, they decided to go separate, which means they were arrogant enough to think that they would be able to beat any of the teams in here with just two members in each party they created.

Or, I'm just wrong.

While searching the area, I was cautious about ambushes. With this kind of area, many of them are capable of using magic. That's one of the reasons I don't just fly around searching for teams; they could just shoot me down with magic spells.

When I had traveled a few kilometers away from where I fought the monkeys and the armadillos, I landed by the side of a nearby lake, stepping on sands.

I needed something to drink since I was thirsty.

I grabbed a handful of water in my hands as I cupped them together, and drank it.

As I drank, I didn't notice a pair of obsidian eyes looking at me from the depths of the lake, and then, it sprung in action.

In the corner of my eyes, I saw the water move and I quickly backed away, dodging the blue-skinned demi-human in front of me who has the head and skin of a shark.

It smiled, showing its rows of long and sharped edged teeth, as it said, "Looks like prey's early," And then jumped back on the water.

The Biter's member swam fast in the waters; my eyes could barely follow it.

'It's fast… but is it faster than me in the water?'

While it is more dangerous in the waters, remember that I have learned how to swim countless times from my clones. I am, you could say, an expert in swimming!

It is dangerous on the land right now; this thing could bite my head off if I'm not careful.

It could use the water in the lake to propel itself towards me with the speed of a bullet!

Even though I cannot follow it through the air when it propels towards me, it is slower in the waters.

So, with that said, I jumped on the lake without any hesitation.

Using the bubbles and vibration I feel in the water whenever the shark demi-human moves, I dodged its strikes with a bit of difficulty.

This is another thing that I had to consider. The Biter's member moves fast but rough in the water, which means he leaves a lot of vibration for me to sense its attacks coming. Though normally, sharks are incredibly silent underwater I guess this one's a bit different. It is humanoid in form, and thus creates vibrations whenever it swims.

I closed my eyes as they were useless in the depths of the lakes.

I felt him, below me.


I dodged his attack again, and I can sense his movements getting impatient.

It's not thinking properly, probably, and it cannot think of other things other than its anger.

I felt it rushing towards me again from my right, and, when it got close, I turned towards it faster than it could imagine and grabbed its gills, before ripping them from it!

It flailed around, hurt. Then, with both hands, I poked its eyes hard, injuring it.

It bled beside me, and I was not finished yet.

I grabbed it by the arms and used a great amount of strength to throw him upwards, to the skies.

I reached the surface underneath the water, and I used it to propel myself upwards!

And, as I saw it falling as I propelled myself towards it in the skies, I punched it in the face harder than I punched Sulien!


It fainted and disappeared in particles as it fell to the waters.

I landed on the ground, panting a bit, and said, "Finally got you, motherf*cker!"

I am a bit overjoyed since it was a little difficult to beat it.

But even then, this is still not enough of a challenge for me.

"Maybe if I find its teammates, I'll be able to enjoy more of the thrills," I said, smirking a bit.

Then, as I was taking a break for a bit, I heard the leaves rustle behind me.

Startled, I turned around quickly, only to see a familiar shade of brown hair in front of me.

I sighed in relief, and said, "Randy, so you were here this whole time?"

Randy scratched the back of his head, smiling sheepishly, and said, "Sorry, I didn't know how to fight that kind of opponent. But, hey, I got one point from defeating one Iron Defense Squad member!"

I raised an eyebrow, and asked, "Didn't they have 2 members? Or was I mistaken?"

"There were two of them, where do you think I got this slash across my back?" He said as he turned around, showing me the bandages made of leaves behind his back, though it did not stop it from bleeding.

"Then, how did you survive the encounter?" I asked.

This time, he smirked, "You know me, I always have every type of bomb in my ring. I used a flashbang and a smoke bomb, both at the same time and managed to blind her before running away after eliminating one! You should've seen me; I was so cool!"

I then said, "If you're done talking, then we'll need to start moving now. Alice and Scarlet might be in danger, and I know how cruel some of our competitors are. The one I was fighting earlier, the Biter's member, almost tried to bite my head off."

He cringed just from the thought, and said, "Man, must've been rough."

"Anyway, let's go. Don't let yourself bleed out, we cannot use any kind of medication in here."

It's against the rules to use any kind of drugs here, even medicines. So unless we plan on getting disqualified, injuries should just be endured until we have eliminated most or all of the contestants here.

"Yeah, don't worry. I patched this one quite well," He said.