Chapter 73: King Crabs

With my new found technique, I started training with it while fighting a bunch of werewolves.

I tapped the ground below me with the end of my scythe's handle, creating a whirlpool of lightning bolts around me as six large werewolves rushed towards me with the intent to kill. They were electrocuted until they were nothing but roasted canines!

Their bodies disappeared after death but strangely, their claws were left behind. This has not happened before.

"Hmm, what am I going to do with this?" I said, picking up a long black claw.

Seeing that I didn't have any answers for it right now, I put all 60 claws into my storage ring.

'Maybe I could give them to the blacksmiths after I get out of this dungeon,' I said in my thoughts.

I felt my lightning scythe slowly draining my mana reserves, so I canceled the technique for now. I cannot get tired at the moment since I'll need my energy fighting that undead dragon at the bottom of this dungeon.

"Hey! I was enjoying that! It's been so long since I was able to feel an elemental magic course through my body!" Thanatos said, complaining.

"But I don't need to use that technique for now. There are no opponents I can't one-shot right now, so just chill. I'll use the Elemental Transformation once I see a stronger opponent than these werewolves," I replied, knowing full well that the only opponent in this dungeon that can be a threat to me is the undead dragon. But I might be wrong, there are still so many floor arenas left for me to explore.

I felt 7 werewolves circling behind me, all of them snarling and growling at me.

Feeling their mana signatures, I mentally targeted them.

Within the blink of an eye, they disappeared and reappeared beside me with their claws ready to rip my body apart. But they were in for a shock because my mana barrier was activated.


When they collided with my barrier, I moved.

Within the flick of my hand, only a second passed when they were all cut into thousands of pieces. Yet, even after that, my scythe was left untouched by their blood.

The thing about my barrier is that my enemies cannot pass through it unless they break it, but with me it's different. I can bypass my barrier with ease. But it's hard to fight while moving with my barrier on because I'll also have to control it while I move, which is a pain in the ass.

That's why only those proficient in magic and wizardry use barriers, because they don't move that much as they are ranged fighters. But close-ranged fighters often learn the mana barrier in case they have to protect themselves or protect others.

After killing the 7 werewolves, I noticed that they did not drop any loot like the claws earlier.

"What's happening…? They dropped loot earlier, how could they not now?" I asked myself, muttering, trying to figure out why.

[Hmm, I think it's because dungeons have this thing called "drop rates". If my guess is correct, monsters with no equipment on have a drop rate of 0.1 percent. Meaning, those claws earlier were just because of your luck. Those with equipment, however, have a drop rate of 99.9 percent for their weapons and armor. But that's just my calculation, I could be wrong]

'I guess I'll need to learn more of this dungeon,' I said in my thoughts.

As I was thinking, I felt 8 werewolves appear around me.

I sighed, "This is getting a bit repetitive," I said, already bored.

I snapped my fingers once, and countless fireballs shot towards them. Like torpedoes, they followed the werewolves relentlessly.

Only the sounds of their whimpers sounded as all of them were burned to ashes.

(8 Hours Later)

[Floor 75]

At floor 60, the arena changed from a stone and boring room to many things. A jungle, a forest, a cave, and even a haunted village where I fought a bunch of ghosts.

Trust me, ghosts are a bunch of pain in the ass. My fists and magic passed through them and took all of my attacks with no effort whatsoever. But I defeated them using fire, with a bit of difficulty. They could pass through walls and I couldn't just start destroying everything as that would make the ceiling collapse on me. So, a huge part of my time was wasted waiting for them to appear.

Dodging another claw attack, I countered with a lightning bolt.

On floor 75, I am currently fighting huge ass crabs.

The arena was set on a beach, though it is clear that the rest of the arena was fake. The walls looked like a village and an ocean, but that was fake.

I checked so that I can verify.

These crabs are called "King Crabs". They are mainly found a few kilometers away from beaches all around the world. And they are hunted down for their meat as it has been scientifically verified that a King Crab's meat is good for the health. There were even evidences of it prolonging a person's lifespan, which made them even more desirable.

Fortunately, since they are powerful, their meat sells expensively in seafood markets. And the great thing about this, in my current situation, is that the drop rate for the King Crab's meat in the dungeon is 50/50! I learned that from tutorial bot.

I already have thousands of kilograms of King Crab's meat in my storage ring! 10000 Kilo to be exact.

A single kilogram of king crab's meat can be sold up to 50 Gold Notes, meaning, I basically have 5,000 Platinum Notes in my storage ring! Or 500,000 Gold Notes!

"Hahahaha!" I laughed crazily, "I'm f*cking rich!"

I fought 10 ten-meter-tall and wide king crabs, laughing in joy as I could literally feel the pleasure of having 5,000 Platinum Notes. I could buy a kingdom with that kind of money, and still have some left!

Maybe once I become a C-Rank disciple, I should buy a kingdom for myself. The Rock Kingdom… yeah, I should buy that later. In honor of Delia, I suppose.

No… I'll need more money than that. The Rock Kingdom is the center of armor and weapon materials such as mythril and silver. And they earn a minimum of 1000 Platinum Notes a year, 10,000 if they're lucky.

I'll need more money than that to buy the entire land of the kingdom.

Around a million platinum notes should suffice.

After killing the ten King Crabs, they all dropped 1000 kilos of crab meat instantly. Meaning, I now have 20,000 kilos of King Crab meat, which I can sell for 10,000 platinum notes!

After storing the crab meat, I sighed.

Even after all this time, I still have some sentiments for Delia. I guess… sadness, should I call it? Yeah, I feel sad that I couldn't have met her in a better time.

I wonder what her life would have been if she inherited the throne of the Queen of the Rock Kingdom, and not some woman who was just thrown into the streets. I hate my "grandfather" for doing that to her. But, at the same time, she said that she doesn't want to pursue revenge. That's why I left the royal family alone after destroying some of their stuff. But of course, I killed the general and the current queen at the time.

"Partner, along with the power to convert my wielder's magical element into mine, I can also feel their emotions. Your emotions are getting erratic. Are you okay?" My weapon asked, sounding a bit worried.

I shook my head, and said, "I'm fine. Just remembering some bad stuff."