Chapter 3

The moment Arabella got in her carriage, hot tears streamed down her cheeks. She just let her tears flow.

Until her carriage got to its destination, Arabella cried nonstop. She got out of the carriage and went directly to her room. She walked down the hall with her head down low, scared to meet people's eyes.

She got in her room and leaned against the door as her tears still continued to drip down her pale face. She cried in her room alone, and no one cared about how much she was in pain.


There was a slight pain in her chest recalling this day.

''Who knew everything would turn out like this. You were Alex's fiancée not long ago, but I'm the one who's marrying him now.''

Really. Life is so full of mystery. Even Arabella didn't know she will end up like this.

''Uncle and Damien, everyone is happy without you. You poor thing. Even they were your fake family, they didn't even care about you in the slightest.''

Roxie kept stabbing Arabella in her sore spots with her knife-like tongue. It was killing her again without drawing blood.

''Anyway, I don't want to waste my precious time in this disgusting place with you. I wish that you live a long life here.''

Roxie turned around and left. Arabella was still sitting at the same place with a mysterious expression.


Arabella had long given up the hope to survive in this hellish place that she didn't even know when she would feel the sunlight on her skin again.

But she couldn't bear to rot in this dark prison while the people who made her life a living nightmare happily live their life in glory.

'I will take my first and last revenge.'

She will do the last thing she could do to make them suffer even a little. But first, She has to escape from here.

Hundes was a prison for most dangerous criminals. Every floor was heavily guarded with those with high-level abilities. There always had to be two men stood guard in front of the hallway and each passage. It would be difficult to escape without them knowing it. Also, she needed someone to open the cell door.

After dinner, it was bath time. Even though it was a prison, prisoners had the right to take a bath twice a week to prevent contagious diseases. But it was not that pleasant to take a bath in this kind of environment. There was no hot water or scented soap. Prisoners take a bath with only cold water. Some prisoners were too lazy to take a bath, so they took a bath once in a while.

A guard came to her cell to take her to the bathroom. He was a tall man with tanned skin and had a thin figure compared to the other guards. He put her a chain, and they head to the bathroom. After she took a quick bath, they came back to her cell. Before she entered the cell, she turned around and looked at him.

''Mmh… Sir ?"

When Arabella called him hesitantly and looked at him with her big, sparkling eyes, the guard was taken aback. She never talked to anyone since she came here. It was his first time to hear her speak.

''What ?''

The guard was curious about what she will say.

''I just wanted to talk to you for a bit. It's so lonely here…''

Arabella took a step towards the guard and stood right in front of him. She was wearing a simple thin gown that barely managed to reach her knees. Her clothes were clinging onto her wet skin, emphasizing her captivating curves.

Below her gown, Arabella's curved hips and long legs were revealed. He could see her body right throw her thin clothes, and his mouth went dry.

''What do you want to talk with me?"

The woman blinked her eyes and gave him a slight smile. She was looking directly into his eyes as she whispered in a seductive voice.

''I wanted to know if we could spend some time together if you don't have work tonight. It's so lonely and cold out here, especially during the night..."

Gulp. The man swallowed. He never thought Arabella would invite him to spend the night with her. She was seducing him openly. The words that left her mouth were entirely unexpected.

''I'm off my shift at midnight. If you want, I can come to see you.''

His eyes were on Arabella again as he was answering. When the man saw Arabella's captivating appearance, his heart skipped a beat, and he felt heat rush throughout his body. Arabella's still wet hair clung to her long neck and her slightly blushed cheeks. Her rosy pale skin was damp with moisture. He began to fantasize about touching her.

She smiled and tilted her head.

''I'd appreciate your company.''

Even though she was a dangerous criminal who conspired against the future empress, she was a duke's princess before becoming a criminal. A noblewoman whom he would have never gotten a chance to lay his eyes on was asking him to embrace her.

It would've been a lie to say that he never laid his eyes on Arabella. She was an incomparable beauty. She had the beauty to turn the heads of any men who saw her and make any woman jealous of her gorgeous appearance.

Arabella, who was staring into the guard's eyes, reached out her hand to his collar. Seeing the surprise in his eyes, which shook slightly under her unexpected gesture, Arabella smiled softly and fixed his collar.

She looked at him one last time and got in her cell. The guard who saw Arabella's captivating smile wanted to follow her to the cell and take her right then and there.

But it was impossible to do due to his duty. The guard felt his friend stiffen and barely managed to keep his cool. He locked the door and left immediately.

As the hallway door closed, Arabella, who was watching the guard's back, floated onto the floor. Her dark eyes sparkled with anticipation. Imagining what she will do made her burn with impatience.

In order to avenge the death of her brother and her life, she would do everything so that she could die without any regret. She waited the midnight and the man to come to her.
