Help Xiaoyue Break Through

Lei Luo strengthened the sixth layer of the Holy Light Shield in Galaxy City again. With his level twelve sky spirit archmage cultivation base, the Holy Light Shield that he cast could not be broken in a short time even if all the sky spirit archmages in Galaxy World gathered together, it would be impossible to break it in a short time.

He planned to return to the Old World and the New World and strengthen God's Island and the capital with the Holy Light Shield. Even if there were problems in the two worlds in the future, the Holy Light Shield would be able to maintain its indestructibility.

After returning to the bookstore, Lei Luo glanced at Xiaoyue and said, "Xiaoyue, how did your cultivation progress so fast? You're already a sixth-level earth spirit archmage?"

Even if he could increase his cultivation by having sex with her, it wouldn't be so fast. After all, this girl was only a level four a few days ago.