The Immortal Clan Has Come for Trouble

An eighth-level earth spirit archmage.

Holding Xiaoyue in his arms, Lei Luo checked the condition of her body while she was unconscious.

Her bloodline had already been perfected. In less than two to three years, she would be able to break through to become a ninth-level earth spirit archmage.

As for whether she would be able to sense the path of a sky spirit archmage, that would depend on her own luck. Because this was not something that could be done by infusing mana essence and perfecting her talent during sex.

Unless Lei Luo could break through to an intermediate sky spirit archmage, which was at least a level thirty or forty sky spirit archmage. It was said that a mage like that could allow a person to ascend to the heavens in one step.

Lei Luo was far from having such an ability at the moment.

Xiaoyue opened her eyes. She already knew how big of an opportunity she had obtained.

"Uncle Lei Luo, Little Fire?"