God’s Protection

At this moment, a powerful aura pressed down on them.

It was an aura that was a hundred times stronger than the eight great gods that appeared on everyone's bodies.

Fortunately, this aura did not have any malicious intent. Otherwise, all the angels would have exploded and died.

Just as everyone was panicking, a white light shot out from the front.

All the angels seemed to be covered in a layer of white gauze.

At this moment, a bright voice rang out:

"All angels will battle for two hours! You will not be harmed for the next two hours! Now, set off!"

Everyone raised their heads, wanting to see the appearance of the god of creation.

However, everyone was disappointed.

They only saw a shiny silver ball of light above the four goddesses.

After a short while, everyone felt relieved.

How could everyone see the god of creation as they wished?

They had just seen Ace's sorrow and two extra pairs of wings.