Twilight of the Gods

The defensive barrier was always open. Of course, it was Lei Luo's idea.

Lei Luo didn't want Boston to know that he had woken up.

He was still prepared to play with Boston.

In the past few days, Lei Luo had been thinking about the reason for the outbreak of the war.

In the end, Lei Luo confirmed that it was because the forces of the four goddesses, Audrey, Daya, Alanis, and Kana, were too weak.

This gave Boston an opportunity.

For this reason, Lei Luo had Audrey, Daya, Alanis, and Kana create their own strength after the battle.

More secondary gods could be developed to prevent such a situation from happening in the future.

The Protoss and gods were also different. The Protoss were only a race created by Alpha.

When a creature possessed a divine spark, it could be called a god. A divine spark was equivalent to a spiritual brand.