Pirate Soldiers

Morton kept looking at Lei Luo as he said this.

Lei Luo turned his head slightly. He was also silent and wore a smile on his face.

"Since you want to hide it from yourself, as someone who wants to work with you for a long time, I don't think I have to disobey you."

Morton took a puff of his cigarette, shrugged his shoulders, and revealed a smile.

Although Lei Luo was smiling, the atmosphere was more or less stagnant.

He wanted to change the atmosphere.

"Morton, I want to ask you a question. I want you to answer truthfully."

Lei Luo's expression suddenly became serious.

"Do you think I treat you as a friend? To be honest, I'm not sure, but I treat you as a friend."

"That's right, you do have the habit of hiding yourself, and sometimes even to the extent of performing. But, you also have a warm power in your body. This warmth makes me involuntarily believe that you won't hurt your friend."