
Morton patted the bricks of the house.

"Although this place is simple and crude, no matter what, the basic operation is still normal. This means that even though Allie was taken away, the 'bad guy' is not completely abandoned and is still in operation...Casa should also know about your plan, right?"

"Yes." Lei Luo nodded.

"In terms of character, Arthur is more reliable, but he is too practical and has no talent. He can't control the situation at all, so he can only rope Casa in."

"Why didn't you tell me this on the way back?" Morton asked in a resentful tone. "If you had told me so early, you wouldn't have thought so much."

Lei Luo looked at Morton. "To be honest, I quite like that you don't think and do things for the money. It's good for you."

"All right, let's talk about something more practical, such as the next plan..."

Morton pouted without being curious.