
"The alliance leader doesn't have time today. Please return to the inn and wait."

This was already the third day he was facing Saxton's expressionless attendant.

"I want to see the alliance leader of Saxton."

Allie was finally furious, and Lei Luo did not stop her. He just watched coldly from the side.

"The alliance leader doesn't have time today. Please return to the inn and wait."

Saxton's attendant's expression was still as apathetic as before.

Allie no longer spoke to him. She took a step forward and was about to barge into Saxton's room.

When the attendant saw that she was going to barge in, he gave the guards a look. Very quickly, more than a dozen people surrounded her.

"Bastards, you are all trained by our East God. Who dares to stop me?"

Allie glared at these people and scolded loudly.