Civil Rebellion Erupts

Hearing Strachey's reply, Ulysses couldn't help but frown. He thought to himself, 'Why did Teacher agree so quickly today? Isn't he prejudiced against Lei Luo?'

"Quick, Morton, quickly pack your things."

On this day, Morton was working in his office when he suddenly saw Arthur rushing in fully armed.

Seeing Arthur in such a hurry, Morton quickly stood up and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The local security forces have completely rebelled."

"The local security forces have completely rebelled?" Morton's heart chilled.

All along, Morton had been most worried about two things. One was that the military power was not directly in Lei Luo's hands, and the other was that the local security forces would finally take up arms and strike a rebellion.

The security forces were basically formed from the security forces left over from the era of the distant mountain lords, and their composition was basically all local people from the city.