Arthur’s Corpse

"You've already said it. Now, everything is just empty talk. If we don't make a bigger bet, how could you be tempted?" Ulysses said with a smile.

Lei Luo thought for a moment, then asked again, "I really want to know, what exactly will you give me?"

"All of King Beichen's direct troops, you and I will each get half. All of King Beichen's direct city's taxes, you and I will each get half. Every year, the senate will give King Beichen half of the dividends, you and I will each get half. In short, everything King Beichen has, including the concubines that my father left behind, will be split equally between us."

At this point, Ulysses paused for a moment, then continued with a smile, "But then again, this is on the premise that you will not become a duke. Once you get a new dukedom title and earn benefits, you'll have to return everything to me."

"Everything you've said is just a pie to satisfy your hunger."