Who Will Be The Winner

The real resting place for Trump was the two to three-story-high villas behind the main residence.

There were a total of 81 villas. Each villa came with a beautiful wife and 18 beautiful maids.

The faint red light was like the warm eyes of a god, gazing at the beautiful land. The feeling of dusk brought by the light slanted into Trump's huge meeting room.

Trump himself was still very energetic, but he saw that the hundreds of regional presidents who attended the meeting all looked a little tired.

So, he stood up and said, "Let's call it a day. Everyone, take a rest. Let's do this last bit of work tonight."

The regional presidents all stood up as if they had been granted amnesty. After bowing to Trump, they left the office.

After watching the regional presidents leave, Trump slowly walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the beautiful scenery that he had bought inch by inch with real gold and silver.

"President Trump."