100 Million Gold Coins

"It can be said that this place is the key to the decision of the Phoenix Alliance and the Immortal Economic Cooperation Alliance. I don't believe that Lei Luo is going there to travel."

"Then why is he going there?" Trump asked Tolle.

"I don't know." Tolle shook his head. "I don't have enough information."

Trump rubbed his chin and said, "There's no reason he can't stay in hotels. My hotels are almost everywhere in the third province. Maybe one of the hotels has his whereabouts?"

"No, not a single one."

Tolle shook his head again. "I checked all the records of our hotels in the third province, but I didn't find anything."

As soon as Tolle finished speaking, the president of Trump's casino ran in. When he came in, he saw that Trump was talking to Tolle, so he quickly walked out again and knocked on the door.

Trump turned around and looked at the president of his casino. "John, what's the matter?"