Super Felony

Hearing this, Trump couldn't help but laugh.

"If I didn't have a slight understanding of the situation in the third province, just from Sir Lei Luo's tone, I almost thought that the Cape of Good Hope belonged to you."

"Only when the flowers bloom can one imagine the fruit. It's just an ordinary person. A character like President Trump should have seen the fruit as soon as he saw the seed being sown."

After hearing Lei Luo's flattery, Trump smiled and shook his head.

"Business is business. Such touching words are meaningless to me... However, you're right. A good businessman should not only see the immediate benefits. He should also have enough imagination."

Trump paused and shook his finger with a smile.

"However, the prerequisite is that the blueprint you provided is clear enough to make people feel that it is within reach."

Lei Luo took out a magic memory stone and placed it on the table. "This is my complete military plan."