
At this point, Lei Luo listened for a while and then continued, "300 million. Just 300 million gold coins, and you can win such a huge profit for President Trump. Isn't this a worthwhile business?"

"This isn't a business." Trump waved his hand. "This is a gamble."

"Even so, this is a gamble worth taking, isn't it?" Lei Luo said with a smile.

Trump raised his head and stared at Lei Luo. After staring at each other for a while, Trump asked, "Now I want to know how much profit I will get if I bet."

"This 300 million gold coins is just the first installment. After I take down the Cape of Good Hope, President Trump will give me another 700 million gold coins. This total of one billion in cash is the commission that you will pay us."

"If it's the exclusive agency of the Cape of Good Hope's pirate trade, a one billion gold coin commission is still reasonable. What's the percentage?"