On the Wrong Boat

"Well, all right. I admit it...you're right. Then, wise man, let's have a conversation in a wise man's way? I can see from your seemingly invisible observation that Trump is a man of vision. If I really had any sense in this deal, you'd be a good opponent. However, I wouldn't be depressed about it. On the contrary, I would be very happy. Because I don't intend to play any tricks in this deal. I believe you will be a good helper for me."

At this point, Lei Luo paused and asked, "But, by the way, I'm really interested to know what you want to see from me."

"If I tell you, you might not believe me," Tolle said.

Lei Luo almost immediately said with a smile, "No, I'll believe you. I've always believed the words of smart people."

"I'm observing your age," Tolle said.

Lei Luo blinked his eyes in disbelief. "Huh? You just want to know my age?"

Tolle replied, "It's a little weird, but it's the truth."