
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent

-Isaac Asimov


Greystones, Former capital of Algrim.

The ruins of the Royal Palace.


In the dark hallways of the dungeon underneath what was once the Algrian castle stood a young man of average height, dressed in an elegant attire underneath a leather suit of armour.

The said youth had a noble demeanour and regal looks, but his eyes held a hint of ruthless cruelty and rabid paranoia.

Embroidered on the left side of his armour, right above his heart, was a red-crowned dragon indicating his esteemed status as a member of the Hertalean royalty.

The young prince fiddled with the hilt of the blade strapped to his waist as he walked down the corridor towards a certain cell wall from which a faint whipping sound rebounded through the halls,

Opening the door he saw four individual before him.

He walked into the cell and his nose wrinkled in disgust.

A putrid, stank air emanated from the room.

But despite the stench, he walked in.

Scanning the individuals in front of him he saw two of the men holding down the former king of Algrim while a fourth stood to the side with a whip in his hands.

"Has he spoken yet?" The regal youth asked dully, his voice carried a hint of frustration.

He walked closer to the group staring coldly into Leonard's eyes.

"Not yet, Your Highness." The one with the whip replied in a respectful tone.

"Really?" The prince growled in irritation.

He turned to the king with a sneer.

"I am aware that Iris and The queen travelled southeast. Although you tried foolishly to hide it, I just received intel from several eyewitnesses claiming to have seen a man rumoured to be Aden von Greifenberg escorting two women away."

"I know you have sent them away with that Duke. Stop being stubborn and tell me where they are heading." The prince ordered, his eyes flickering with malice.

Leonard looked on unresponding.

The prince sighed seeing this. Feeling the need to change his approach he spoke in a very sincere voice.

"I only want the princess, afterwards I'll send you and the former queen to some covenant to spend the rest of your life in peace."

"Just tell me where she is, Leonard."

Seemingly deaf to the prince's questioning, Leonard looked on blankly with blood pooling under his knees.

The prince sighed again before threatening with a low growl.

His hand shot out and grabbed Leonard's hair. Forcing the king to face him he spoke.

"If you force my hand, when I do find them I'll gift your beloved wife to my army's brothel so my men can enjoy the feeling of how a queen tastes."

But unable to elicit a response still from the young king, the young man anger only grew stronger.





"USELESS!... " Screaming insults, he hurled punches at the incapacitated king.

Several minutes later, he got tired of hitting Leonard's bruised face.

The young prince staggered backwards breathing heavily. Gazing down at Leonard's bloody face he straightened his armour and ordered closely.


"Yes, your highness." The one with the whip replied as he proceeds to continue the interrogation.

The young prince walked out of the cell and headed back to the surface for fresh air, although tainted with smog and the smell of black powder it was much better compared to the damp smell of the dungeon.

"Your, your highness... " A young servant boy who just appeared hesitantly called out as he approached the gloomy-looking prince.

"What!? "

The youth growled forcing a whimper from the servant. Out of fear of becoming a channel for abuse by the temperamental prince, the servant boy subconsciously backtracked a few steps.

"Th-the representatives of the ancient noble families request for an audience, your highness."

Hearing that the prince paused as he remembered the reason for the said arrivals.

letting out a weary sigh he spoke.

"Tell them to wait for me in the throne room..." He paused for a moment before waving the servant off.

"Yes, Your Highness." the servant replied before scurrying away as if he was pardoned from a death execution.


"Where in the world are you hiding..." The youth muttered under his breath.

With a frightening glower, he walked towards the throne room.