
In the year 1209 P.S. King of Ivonne, Stefans Zoroaster led an army southward over the Abchester mountains to conquer Verum.

The Ivonnian invasion of Verum marked the beginning of a new phase of Udorian politics, during which the twelve kings of Udoris fought and invaded each other, with the mountain tribes as their reluctant pawns, In a delusional bid to unify Udoris under one crown.

For the next 40

In the year 209 P.S. King of Ivonne, Stefans Zoroaster led an army southward over the Abchester mountains to conquer Verum.

The Ivonnian invasion of Verum marked the beginning of a new phase of Udorian politics, during which the twelve kings of Udoris fought and invaded each other, with the mountain tribes as their reluctant pawns, In a delusional bid to unify Udoris under one crown.

For the next 40 years, the dream of conquest was pursued by every Udorian king, once believing that the road to supremacy was open and paved with easy victories.

Rulers of that era lived by strict codes of chivalry and adopted new techniques of diplomacy and warfare to satisfy their lust for glory and dynastic power.

With the ability to command vast quantities of men and resources they were able to become the true masters of their own domains and breaking free of the shackles imposed on them by the faith of the seven. The war grew bloodier with time ending the lives of thousands and caused Udoris to dip into several years of debilitation.

But this did not go without benefit. The war also led to many new changes in Udoris political and military structure.

The Udorian states adopted means of diplomacy free of the church's intervention, first evolved by the Algrians as well as the Tequilan practice of using resident ambassadors who combined with the gathering of intelligence by fair means or foul to gain the advantage over their enemies.

In the art of war, the Verumittes were innovators in the use of mercenary troops, siege artillery, naval blockades and field fortification. They were already the best in Udoris by the end of the war, rivalled only by the Ariens in the southeast.

The Ariens developed the Immortals, a sometimes suicidal elite infantry unit that combined the most effective field fortifications and weaponry of all other Udorian states with their undying loyalty.

Thus, old and new ways were fused in a bloody crucible known to many as the Great war or Great calamity forming the world as we know it today.

In the near destruction of the autonomy of Udorian politics due to the war, the invasions ended the previous state system and the church's absolute monarchy, giving rise to the present system that now shapes our world today.

By the end of the war, the Udorian states had reduced in number from twelve to seven seeing the demise and annexation of the kingdoms Crotha, Lunao, Syrii, Hogon and Witeron thereby concluding the great conflict.


Excerpt from the remnants of Ahoth Dan's notes regarding the Great war.


{Iris POV}

It's been five days since I fled my home with my mother and Lord Aden.

We rode day through night. Up until our mounts collapsed from weariness we didn't stop.

Through the glare and foliage, we pushed on nonstop with the jarring awareness that we mustn't get captured or all my father's efforts would be for nought.

All our rations had been consumed so sir Aden had to hunt game for our dinner. This had been the first time in my life I had stayed outside the in the wild for so long.

I have been very upset for a few days now. Under the dim light from the campfire, I could still clearly see large blisters on my once flawless skin and a few sore wilts on the underside of my thighs from the prolonged journey.

But that wasn't the reason for my anger...


What did we do wrong!?

We were never hostile, only neutral even sometimes friendly with all the other kingdoms...

Why did they have to conspire against us and with the aid of those vile pirates at that!?

Was it because I refused that stupid Everhard's marriage proposal!?

Would all this have been different if I had just married him?


No, I doubt it, those greedy pigs would have still made a move on my family regardless...

That had always been their plan from the start!

Those animals, I am going to kill them all and, and...



{End of POV}




"Your highness, are those tears I see?"

"I don't believe the princess I swore allegiance to be so weak." Iris glanced up at the speaking Aden. The middle-aged Duke stood peering down at her with his left brow crooked upwards in a questioning gesture.

"If you are in tears now who would console the queen when the need arises."

"At least we both know I can't. It's neither appropriate of me to do so, nor would I dare."

Aden continued, sitting down on the grass next to the young princess.

"If it's your father you are worried about, I would advise you not to worry too much."

"I'm sure he's still very much alive. You should know better than me how much of an unkillable cockroach Leonard can be if he wants to."

"You know that's your king you are talking about, right?" Iris scolded with a stern voice as she wiped her eyes with the hem of her dress.

Aden shrugged.

"Leonard is a brother first before a king in my heart."

Iris stared at him for a long while before asking in a puzzled tone.

"I'm confused."

"About what Princess?"

"My father banished you to the border ten years ago, didn't he?"

"Yes, he did."

"Then why do you still act as if nothing ever happened. I remember you were exiled to the border and only allowed to return to the capital with your family only twice every year, so why?"

"Yes, I do remember he banished me to the border." Aden sighed.

"But I also remember that he did it to protect my family. You might not know this, but his Majesty was just looking out for me. I can't hold a grudge because of that."

"Protect you...? Why would he need to protect you? And from what?"

"Someone was after my life, but then we didn't know who, or why. But now I think I have an idea to who it might have been."

"The traitors..?"

Aden nodded grimly.


"Where are we headed to now? "

"My fief at the border, to pick up my sons. Afterwards, we'll leave for Quilton and hole up there until all this calms down, then we will try to find a way to rescue the king."

"Greenfields? "


"Thank you."

"For what? This is my duty as a sworn knight, friend, and brother so I don't need that. If you truly want to thank me, just try to stay alive." Aden said looking towards the queen, Irina, who had cried herself to sleep.

"Still, thank you."

"I'll keep watch, go to sleep princess, we have a long ride ahead of us tomorrow."

years, the dream of conquest was pursued by every Udorian king, once believing that the road to supremacy was open and paved with easy victories.

Rulers of that era lived by strict codes of chivalry and adopted new techniques of diplomacy and warfare to satisfy their lust for glory and dynastic power.

With the ability to command vast quantities of men and resources because they were becoming true masters of their own domains and breaking free of the shackles imposed on them by the faith of the seven, the war grew bloodier with time ending the lives of thousands and dipping Udoris into several years of debilitation.

But this did not go without benefit. The war also led to many new changes in Udoris political and military structure.

The Udorian states adopted means of diplomacy free of the church's intervention, first evolved by the Algrians as well as the Tequilan practice of using resident ambassadors who combined with the gathering of intelligence by fair means or foul to gain the advantage over their enemies.

In the art of war, the Verumittes were innovators in the use of mercenary troops, siege artillery, naval blockades and field fortification. They were already the best in Udoris by the end of the war, rivalled only by the Ariens in the south-east.

The Ariens developed the Immortals, a sometimes suicidal elite infantry unit that combined the most effective field fortifications and weaponry of all other Udorian states with their undying loyalty.

Thus, old and new ways were fused in a bloody crucible known to many as the Great war or Great calamity forming the world as we know it today.

In the near destruction of the autonomy of Udorian politics due to the war, the invasions ended the previous state system and the church's absolute monarchy, giving rise to the present system that now shapes our world today.

By the end of the war, the Udorian states had reduced in number from twelve to seven seeing the demise and annexation of the kingdoms Crotha, Lunao, Syrii, Hogon and Witeron thereby concluding the great conflict.


Excerpt from the remnants of Ahoth Dan's notes regarding the Great war.


{Iris POV}

It's been five days since I fled my home with my mother and Lord Aden.

We rode day through night. Up until our mounts collapsed from weariness we didn't stop.

Through the glare and foliage, we pushed on nonstop with the jarring awareness that we mustn't get captured or all my father's efforts would be for nought.

All our rations had been consumed so sir Aden had to hunt game for our dinner. This had been the first time in my life I had stayed outside the in the wild for so long.

I have been very upset for a few days now. Under the dim light from the campfire, I could still clearly see large blisters on my once flawless skin and a few sore wilts on the underside of my thighs from the prolonged journey.

But that wasn't the reason for my anger...


What did we do wrong!?

We were never hostile, only neutral even sometimes friendly with all the other kingdoms...

Why did they have to conspire against us and with the aid of those vile pirates at that!?

Was it because I refused that stupid Everhard's marriage proposal!?

Would all this have been different if I had just married him?


No, I doubt it, those greedy pigs would have still made a move on my family regardless...

That had always been their plan from the start!

Those animals, I am going to kill them all and, and...



{End of POV}




"Your highness, are those tears I see?"

"I don't believe the princess I swore allegiance to be so weak." Iris glanced up at the speaking Aden. The middle-aged Duke stood peering down at her with his left brow crooked upwards in a questioning gesture.

"If you are in tears now who would console the queen when the need arises."

"At least we both know I can't. It's neither appropriate of me to do so, nor would I dare."

Aden continued, sitting down on the grass next to the young princess.

"If it's your father you are worried about, I would advise you not to worry too much."

"I'm sure he's still very much alive. You should know better than me how much of an unkillable cockroach Leonard can be if he wants to."

"You know that's your king you are talking about, right?" Iris scolded with a stern voice as she wiped her eyes with the hem of her dress.

Aden shrugged.

"Leonard is a brother first before a king in my heart."

Iris stared at him for a long while before asking in a puzzled tone.

"I'm confused."

"About what Princess?"

"My father banished you to the border ten years ago, didn't he?"

"Yes, he did."

"Then why do you still act as if nothing ever happened. I remember you were exiled to the border and only allowed to return to the capital with your family only twice every year, so why?"

"Yes, I do remember he banished me to the border." Aden sighed.

"But I also remember that he did it to protect my family. You might not know this, but his Majesty was just looking out for me. I can't hold a grudge because of that."

"Protect you...? Why would he need to protect you? And from what?"

"Someone was after my life, but then we didn't know who, or why. But now I think I have an idea to who it might have been."

"The traitors..?"

Aden nodded grimly.


"Where are we headed to now? "

"My fief at the border, to pick up my sons. Afterwards, we'll leave for Quilton and hole up there until all this calms down, then we will try to find a way to rescue the king."

"Greenfields? "


"Thank you."

"For what? This is my duty as a sworn knight, friend, and brother so I don't need that. If you truly want to thank me, just try to stay alive." Aden said looking towards the queen, Irina, who had cried herself to sleep.

"Still, thank you."

"I'll keep watch, go to sleep princess, we have a long ride ahead of us tomorrow."