Reparations and Protection

The cannon blast scared some of the people in the congregation but apart from a few startled folks, a plume of black smoke and the loud noise there weren't any major issues.

Donner looked at his fellow militiamen who were staring somewhat reverentially at the young master and broke out a small smile.

Turning back to face the young master let out a breath of turbid air.

"The representative of Lavis's family please step out." Young master ordered when the crowd had calmed down.

Donner scanned the crowd and saw a young woman nervously stand up. By her side were three children with the oldest probably being no older than seven.

'Poor things.' One of the men by his side muttered.

'Yes, they are quite pitiful. Now that their father's gone it would probably very hard for their mother to feed them take less of herself.'


Donner glanced at the young lady and her kids feeling sympathy for them.

The young woman fidgeted as she approached the young master. Her eyes were full of uncertainties and fear of the unknown.

The young master gazed down at her, smiled and spoke. His expression was very warm and his voice gentle.

"You must be Varea, Lavis's wife?" He asked glancing down to her two youngest children, a boy and a girl clutching her dress. The two children hid behind their mother peeking out at Levi.

"Y-yes, milord."

The young master smiled crouching to the children's height and ruffled the hair of the boy. An action that surprised everyone watching.

"And what's your name, young man." He asked in a vibrant tone.

"Jurel." The five-year-old replied peering at Levi. Seeing the young master's friendly smile the apprehension in the boy's heart disappeared.

The young master whispered a few words to the little boy.

Although Donner couldn't hear what was said, looking at the young lady's solemn expression and moistened eyes he knew whatever was said must have been quite significant.

"Hmm." The little boy nodded with a smile.

"Good." The young master replied with a mild chuckle. "I like your enthusiasm, kid. Remember, you must take good care of your mother from now on, ok?"

"Hmm." The kid nodded again.

More tears fell from the mother's eyes.

The young master stood back to his feet and turned to the servants standing in the far back, nodding towards them.

Donner watched one servant walk up to the young master with a small pouch in his hands.

"As a token of my household's appreciation, please accept this." The young master said passing the pouch over to the young mother.

The woman clutched the pouch feeling its weight and lumpiness and more tears tumbled down her face.


"Thank you, young master, Thank you, my Lord …" She muttered falling to her knees bowing deeply towards the Duke and Marquess, her eyes brimming with tears and joy.

"There is nothing to be thankful about. Your husband died protecting our people, sadly though we can only do this much." The young master replied helping her up.

Letting the servants escort the woman and her kids away the young master called up the next family. Just like the first he spoke a few words to the representatives and if there were children he would whisper some words to them, but always did the families leave in tears with a pouch in their hands.

After sending off the last family the young master gazed at the congregation and spoke.

"Every family I called up is one of a person I value and are from now henceforth protected by the von Greifenberg household within the limitations of the laws of this land. It is the responsibility of every member of the militia that they must not be subjected to any forms of exploitation, so treat them as you would your own." Scanning the crowd with an expressionless gaze, his voice carried a hint of warning.

"Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes, sir!" The militiamen responded.


Donner watched silently as the young master walked off. It was unknown what was going on in his mind.