Have we met before?


A coach rode through the town roads in the direction of the town's castle

Lovell peeked out a crack in the curtains at the quickly passing buildings, her eyes somewhat glazed over in thought.

She wore a white veil and a black hood that hid her features. Disguised as a priestess of the Church, her lovely figure was only barely hidden underneath the inconspicuous black robe.

Sitting beside her was her master who wore her usual red dress. The older lady stared blankly at the wine cup in her hands.

She gazed fixated at the rippling surface of the red liquid, looking somewhat forlorn in the dim light leaking into the spacious vehicle.

In that lonesome silence, they quickly reached their destination.

Alighting from the coach, the sound of three footsteps clinking on the cobblestone floor sounded as they made their way through the castle gates.

Behind them, a man also alighted from the vehicle. He wore a dark robe and a plain white mask with two spiralling eye holes.

Moments later a curtly dressed man walked out of the building to receive them.

"High Prophetess Vaiu of the Church of the twins, I presume?" Robert asked.


"Welcome to Greenfield's castle, Esteemed guests." The butler replied with a bow towards Vaiu and Lovell

"Please follow me, The young master awaits your arrival."

Lovell, Vaiu along with the faceless man in tow trailed after the butler.

"This way please."

Opening the door, Robert led them into a spacious drawing-room.

"Welcome, High Prophetess," Levi said closing a book which he appeared to have been reading. Getting to his feet with a small smile he extended a hand towards Vaiu.

Now dressed in a simple cream coloured cotton shirt, woollen hoses with his hair bound loosely by a brown woollen tie he appeared vastly more carefree than he did an hour ago at the funeral.

"I am Levi von Greifenberg the successor to the von Greifenberg household, you may refer to me as Marquess Levi."

Vaiu raised a brow and a small smile formed at the corner of her lips.

"Oh my, Marquess Levi it's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance." Vaiu giggled taking Levi's hand. " I have heard quite a lot about you, please call me Vaiu."

"I am flattered, the pleasure is all mine, Lady Vaiu" Levi chuckled softly in return.

Vaiu stared at him and squinted with a smile, a strange light flashing across her eyes.

"Please take your seats," Levi said gesturing to the seats across the table. "The duke would arrive in a short while, in the meantime what would you like to have? Mint tea? Aged wine? Or Spirit?"

"Wine," Vaiu said as she sat down. The faceless man stood quietly behind her with his hands folded into his robes.

Glancing at Lovell, Levi asked.

"What about you, Priestess?"

"Mint tea? What is that, Sir Levi?" Lovell asked curiously, much unlike her usual self.

"Oh, it's a hot beverage I came up with in my spare time by boiling mint leaves in water," Levi said with a small smile.

Lovell thought it over for a split second before nodding.

"I will have that then."

Levi smiled.

Turning to Robert he spoke.

"Two cups of tea and a bottle of wine."

"Yes, young master."

The butler bowed deeply before turning to leave.

Meanwhile, Lovell took a look around the room, sighing softly.

In the corner on both sides of the room, stood two men.

They were dressed in brown work clothes and looked like servants.

Lovell stared at them briefly with a scrutinizing gaze before looking away, her eyes flashing in understanding.

From the way the men stood and held themselves, she estimated they had at least few years of combat experience.

And from their subconsciously prideful gazes, if her guesses were correct the men were knights in disguise.

They were most probably armed.

'They still don't trust us.' Lovell thought to herself, but glancing at the faceless man standing behind them she sighed. 'But then again, who am I to judge.'

The butler quickly returned with two maids in tow.

"You seemed quite acquainted with my father?" Levi asked in a meaningful tone as he received the tea set from a maid.

"Oh, Aden and I have been friends for quite a long time," Vaiu replied with a smile, her eyes blinking.


"Quite true, We met a while before-"

Lovell quietly observed as her master and Levi converse.

Gazing at Levi's profile as he spoke and occasionally chuckled at Vaiu's remarks about the duke she soon became lost in her thoughts.

A few minutes later.

The sound of horses neighing outside the window snapped Lovell out of her trance.

"He must be back," Levi remarked offhandedly as a maid refilled Vaiu's cup for her.

"I know I am quite the sight to behold priestess, but I suggest you have your drink now." The young master commented with a smile. "Drinking it while it is still hot is the only way to truly enjoy it."

Glancing down at her own untouched cup and the half-empty wine bottle in front of her master Lovell coughed lightly.

Although she wore a veil, It was obvious that Levi had long noticed her staring.

"Please don't mind this little one too much, sir Levi," Vaiu commented as she took another sip of wine. "She sometimes gets carried away when she sees something she likes."

Levi brow crooked up in reaction to Vaiu's words

Smirking slyly, Vaiu glanced at her niece as she took another sip of wine.

Lovell ignored her master and lifted her cup.

Parting her veil, she sniffed the tea before taking a small sip.

Her brow wrinkled up slightly at the slightly bitter taste before easing up when she tasted the tea's sweet and minty undertones.

The warm liquid comfortably slid down her throat, leaving behind a refreshing feeling in her chest.

"Honey?" She muttered subconsciously.

"Yes," Levi replied. "I couldn't get fresh mint leaves so I had honey added to lighten the tea's excessively bitter taste."

Looking up, she noticed Levi peeking at her face from underneath the veil.

"Have we met before?" He asked curiously finding her somewhat familiar.