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She flew over to the ethereal Nevermore and stopped using her semblance long enough to take out Crescent Rose and bury it in the Nevermore's neck before she turned back into petals and flew away.

Or at least that was the plan until the Nevermore burst into Ice Crystals and her weapon stuck got stuck on it.

'Since when did Wiess start using Dust with her summons!' she thought in panic as she saw another ethereal Nevermore with Weiss on its back quickly flying in her direction.

And now Weiss could fly as well, if with some assistance.

This was all kinds of unfair.

She shot a few rounds in the Ice Crystals and only managed to free Crescent Rose in time to block the Nevermore's claw.

The claw still had enough strength in it to throw her off the ice crystal but she quickly turned into rose petals and fly away from Weiss as the Ice crystal fell on the training ground and shattered behind her.

She saw the Nevermore turn around and fly toward her and turned to fly toward it as well.

As she reached close to it, the ethereal Nevermore opened its beak to take a bit out of her. Unfortunately for it, it was too slow. Or maybe it was her who was too fast. It didn't bit anything aside from the Dust that she threw inside its beak.

She back to herself and swung her scythe at Weiss who parried it with her Rapier and tried to take the moment to stab her with it, only to jerk back as she shot a bullet and used the recoil by taking another swing at her.

The swing missed and her scythe buried deeply inside the Nevermore's back.

At that moment, the Dust she had thrown inside the Nevermore's beak exploded, blasting the summoned Nevermore's head entirely and both of them started to fall.

She turned into rose petals to take control over her fall and flew toward Weiss where she turned back into her human form and swung her scythe at Weiss.

Weiss blocked Crescent Rose with Myrtenaster but the force behind the hit was strong enough to send her flying to the ground at a rapid speed.

She cheered at finally defeating Weiss but her dream was crushed when the Arma Gigas came under Weiss and caught her in its arms.

She growled in frustration.

She even had a knight to save her from the nasty fall.

That was… kinda cool actually. But it was also infuriating.

She looked at the screen and noticed that despite the catch, Weiss still lost some of her aura and was currently at 25%.

She looked at her own and noticed that she herself was at 23%.


Her ability to use her Semblance might have increased by leaps and folds in the past few months but she had also started to rely on it more and more.

Which in turn depleted her aura at an even faster pace.

Which sucked. Though she knew that Weiss lost even more aura when creating her Glyphs or Summoning her ethereal Grimms, so it wasn't like she had any room to complain.

He landed on the ground, not wanting to lose any more Aura due to semblance use, and quickly turned Crescent Rose in its sniper form before taking potshots at Weiss as she moved around the Arena.

One-shot could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

Unfortunately for her, the Arma Gigas easily blocked all of her attacks with its human-sized sword.

She grumbled in frustration and changed the magazine before unloading all the bullets at the Arma Gigas in rapid succession.

It failed to block all the shots this time and was dispelled, leaving only Weiss and her in the training area.

She turned Crescent Rose back into its scythe form and Weiss took an offensive pose with her rapier.

She saw it in Weiss' eyes as well.

They'll both give their all in this final attack.

She gripped Crescent Rose tightly and took a step forward.

And as if reading her mind, Weiss took a step forward at the same time.

Another step. Then another step. Then another and another.

Before another moment had passed, they were both dashing at each other.

Weiss stabbed forward with her rapier and she swung her scythe.

And the buzzer rang.