SI- Waifu Catalog, Multicross


World Rating 7= 590 points.

Substitute Jaune Arc -2 588

Stamp 0 588

Shroud of Power -80 508

Sticky Fingers -5 503

Faerie Feast -10 493

Dragon Heart -100 393

Dragon Scale -100 293

Dragon Thrall -100 193

Everlasting Talent Free 193

Body Talent Free 193

Wild Talent Free 193

Soul Talent Free 193

Body Defense Free 193

Wild Defense Free 193

Martial Talent -5 188

Social Talent -5 183

Psychic Talent -20 163

Mind Defense -15 148

Soul Defense -15 133

Trace Defense -15 118

Destiny Defense -15 103

Pocket Apartment -20 83

Sweet Home -10 73

All Roads lead to Home -10 63

Life's a Beach -10 53

Talent Sharing (Everlasting) Free 53

Talent Sharing (Body) Free 53

Talent Sharing (Soul) -10 43

Talent Sharing (Martial) -10 33

Sexual Calibration -2 31

Fertility Calibration -2 29

Total Points 29

Pyrrha Nikos Captured +12 41

Exit Stage Left -5 36

Mapper -10 26

Target Tracker -10 16

Melanie Malachite Captured +12 28

Miltiades Malachite Captured +12 40

All Roads Lead to Home -10 30

Neopolitan Captured +12 42

Ilia Amitola Captured and Sold +16 58

Bounty Tracker -50 8

Emerald Captured and Sold +16 24

Cinder Fall Captured and Sold +16 40

Vernal Captured and Sold +16 56

Raven Branwen Captured +30 86

All Roads lead to Home (already bought) +10 96

Sienna Khan Captured and Sold +16 112

Trifa Captured and Sold +16 128

Stamp: Megapixel -100 28

Carmine Esclados Captured and Sold +16 44

Dew Gayl Captured and Sold +16 60

Octavia Ember Captured and Sold +16 76

Nebula Violette Captured and Sold +16 92

Gwen Dracy Captured and Sold +16 108

Maria Calavera Captured +30 138

Jinn Captured +30 168



"I lost." Ruby said with a pout and he had to stop himself from pinching her cheeks

So looked so cute.

"You fought well Ruby. And so did Weiss. In fact, you both performed wonderfully in that fight." Pyrrha said and he nodded along with her.

With how good Weiss and Ruby had become, he had no doubt that they were currently at low 6th tier.

This basically meant that aside from him and Pyrrha (and probably Yang as well), those two will be able to spank the shit out of any other Hunter-in-training in the whole Beacon Academy.

Even Pyrrha from the Canon timeline wouldn't be able to hold a candle to their current self.

Which was why he found it so sad that they'll not be able to compete against each other in the Finals.

They had won all three of their 2vs2 matches and had progressed to the final event of the 1vs1 match.

Except that neither Weiss nor Ruby could decide who will fight in the finals. He wanted to suggest a coin toss but Pyrrha suggested that they hold a spar and the winner will go to the Finals.

He had bet on Ruby.

And Ruby had lost.

Which came as a surprise to him as he always thought of Ruby as the better fighter among those two. But despite how useful Ruby's semblance had become over the past few months, the growth of Weiss's semblance had completely eclipsed Ruby's own growth.

Like, she could easily summon a few dozen Grimm to fight for her at this point.

Though summoning so many Grimm would almost empty her Aura so she summoned a select few and fought alongside them to defeat her foes.

A completely unfair ability.

Not that he or Pyrrha had room to complain.

"But I wanted to fight in the finals." Ruby whined.

"Well. How about we go to that stall and eat some delicious noodles." He said "Weiss's treat."

"Hey!" Weiss protested.

"What? You're going to famous when you win the Finals. Be a little generous Weiss."

The girl sighed but nodded.

She has been in a great mood ever since she won against Ruby.

Winning the final of the Vytal Festival Tournament will give a huge boost to her reputation and popularity. Not to mention that her 'father' Jacques Schnee would be proud of her as well.

"I suppose this is the least of what I owe you." Weiss said and they walked up to the stall where an old man was manning the shop.

"And what you four like?" The old man asked.

"I'll take the pork noodles." He said and the rest of his team quickly gave an order as well.

He looked at Weiss and Ruby chatting with each other and wondered if he should talk with them about the Waifu Catalog.

How will they react?

Would they accept? Would they be disgusted? Would they try to tell others?

He… didn't know.

Because if he offered this to them and they refused then they'll be a loose string. Someone with critical knowledge that could be used against him.

Should he take a leap of faith here?

They were his teammates after all. And he has helped them become this strong.

They won't betray him. Right?

He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to look at Pyrrha.

"You alright Jaune?" She asked and he smiled.

He had a feeling that even if Pyrrha was not bound to him, he would still be able to trust her due to just how selfless and caring she was.

"Yeah. Just thinking." He said.

"Well, don't think too much. Your order is here." She said and gestured toward the table in front of him where a large bowl of noddle filled with chopped pork was waiting for him.

It looked tasty.

He looked at Weiss and Ruby who were still talking with each other and came to a decision.

He'll take a leap of faith and talk with them after the Vytal Festival tournament ends.

With that out of the way, he smiled and dug into his noodles.

They were good!