You're Short

"Ah, right. I was here to guard the solar generator." Nathalie Yang straightened up. Even though people could only see her shadow, she still maintained her stance.

"As you might have guessed, you brats. I'm from the military and this thing over here is the army's loot so don't get any fxcking ideas, okay?"

"Hey! Who are you calling brats?!" Fu Yangzhu exclaimed.

"I didn't say it was you, short stuff."

"I'm not short!"

"Yes, I can SEE that."

"I'M NOT SHORT!" Fu Yangzhu was slowly turning red from anger. Mu Qianmo sighed. Fu Yangzhu has always been sensitive about his height. If you want to piss him off, this was the perfect thing to pick on.

Mu Qianmo decided that it was best for him to speak.

"Yangzhu, let me handle this."

"No, Brother Qian. Let me handle that bxtch. I don't care if she's invisible or a ghost, no one calls me short and says such a thing to my face!"

Mizuki Rei placed a hand on Fu Yangzhu's shoulder. "But you are short."

"Little Rei, how could you!" Fu Yangzhu screamed, grabbing the latter on their collar with a feral expression.

Mizuki Rei raised his hands in surrender. "I'm only saying the truth, you brat!"

"Haha, how funny. Why are you calling me a brat this time?"

"Fu Yangzhu, you've always been a brat."

"You little...!"

"Stop it, you two." Mu Qianmo tried to intercept.

Nathalie Yang was speechless. Aren't these three a little bit concerned that she would attack them while they bicker away and waste their time fighting with each other? Really. Men are idiots.

She couldn't help but shake her head as if lamenting what a waste of their pretty faces.

"Grr.." Fu Yangzhu clenched his fists.

"You're short, you're short. Fu Yangzhu, you're a short brat."

"Aggh!" Fu Yangzhu howled. "That's it! I'm breaking your ugly mug, Little Rei!"

Mizuki Rei instantly covered his face." No way. Not my face!"

Fu Yangzhu ignored him and directed a punch his way.

Mizuki Rei dodged to the side. He grabbed Fu Yangzhu's arm before throwing him over his back.

"That's payback for last time!"

As a result, Fu Yangzhu landed on the floor with a loud "Bang!". He looked at Mizuki Rei as if he was crazy before his expression became a little ugly. He stood up and tackled him down.

The two of them wrestled on the floor, trying to get a punch on the other party's face, they even resorted to biting and pulling each others' hair as they threw a mouthful of curses in the air.

"Little Rei, Yangzhu.. you.." Mu Qianmo was at a loss of what to do. He discreetly stepped away from the fight.

Nathalie Yang shook her head. "What a bunch of idiots."

She ran over to the two, intending to give the two kids a whack in the head. Who knew that the second she brought her guard down, a slew of vines appeared from behind her, coiling around her body like an insect caught in a spider's web.

It was her turn to fall on the floor with a "Bang!"

"Haha!" Fu Yangzhu exclaimed. "I got her!"

Mizuki Rei rolled his eyes at his childishness as he approached the invisible figure who was tied with vines.

On the other hand, Mu Qianmo stood near the solar generator, the metal spikes around him hovered threateningly.

Nathalie Yang was a little alarmed. "You brats... you tricked me?"

Fu Yangzhu puffed out his chest proudly. "How is my acting, Big sister? I'm sure I did great! But you're still going to suffer for calling me short." He commanded the vines to tighten around Nathalie Yang, causing her face to go red as she struggled but the more she moved, the more she felt constricted.

"Tsk, tsk. Fu Yangzhu, the truth is, you have really bad acting. But you are also naturally bratty which helps deceive people." Mizuki Rei said boredly.

For a moment, he wanted to reach out to take the weapons from the unknown woman but then he also realized that not being able to see meant he would have to grope her.

Mizuki Rei immediately retracted his hands. No way! These hands were only for his fiancee!

Fu Yangzhu looked at him mockingly. "Little Rei, you're such a prude." He was about to take the initiative to acquire the weapons from the woman when he heard a 'snap' then he found himself on his back, looking at the dark sky, an indescribable ache on the LEFT side of his face.

A moment ago, Mizuki Rei was standing, much like Fu Yangzhu, but in the next second, he also found himself on his back, an indescribable ache on the RIGHT side of his face.

Then he groaned as a heavy foot smashed on his chest, nearly knocking the air from his lungs.

He looked up to see the perpetrator, a woman in her late twenties, grinning in a sinister way, the barrel of her two guns aimed at them.
