Hendrick gets home at 2:13 in the morning, an hour after the girls went to sleep as he walks over to the couch and is shocked to find Victoria big spooning Mina as if nothing happened.
Hendrick stands there, shocked in the moment as the scene erases his previous feelings of physical and mental fatigue from an 8-hour surgery. As Hendrick stares surprised for just a moment longer, Hina walks in with slightly messed up hair and a bit of dirt on her face as she walks over, looking at the girls and then looking at her husband with a smirk.
"What, you don't approve?" Hina asks with a chuckle.
"You knew about this?" Hendrick asks in shock.
"Of course...what, you don't approve?" Hina asks as she folds her arms and looks as though she is almost giving her husband the stink eye.
"Yes of course I do. I just thought she just wouldn't be the type for a relationship, or at the very least, not concern herself with one until after school" Hendrick says as he gains a smile on his face.
"Well I'm for a shower and then bed," Hina says
"Ok," Hendrick says
"And you're joining me," Hina says as she continues to walk but with a smirk on her face.
"Even better," Hendrick says
The next morning, Mina wakes to the smell of bacon as she excitedly sits up to see Hina and Hendrick both watching the TV in the lounge room while they are at the kitchen counter. Meanwhile, Victoria can be seen whipping up a culinary masterpiece, making bacon and eggs with speed and efficiency. She eventually finishes the food preparation and plates up as Mina wraps the blanket she and Victoria slept with around herself and shuffles to the bathroom, passing by Hendrick and Hina with an awkward smile on her face.
Mina eventually comes back out while the others politely wait for her to come up and sit at the kitchen counter. Hendrick is the first one to ignite conversation with Mina.
"So, Mina, you have quite the impressive quirk from what I saw of you and the others doing your training," Hendrick says as Victoria worries a little as he is talking about her fake video.
"Oh yeah, our teacher is really pushy but we are getting better thanks to him," Mina says, thinking he is talking about the Quirk Apphehention Test and not the fake video Victoria made which she couldn't possibly know about.
"So I head you're going over to her house today sweetheart," Hina says to Victoria as she then bites a piece of her toast.
"Yeah, we thought we would go out today as it's our day off," Victoria says, biting into her toast as to make an excuse not to speak.
A while later, Victoria and Mina had left the house on the way to Mina's house.
"Hey, do you want to take the scenic route?" Victoria asks Mina with a smirk on her face as the 2 make their way down the street.
"Sure, do you have a WAHHH!!" Mina tries to finish her sentence before Victoria picks her up, summons her wings out of her back and takes off into the sky at around 100 km/h as they both turn invisible thanks to Victoria's Improved Invisibility Quirk.
The girls fly over the city as Mina quickly adapts to the speed and turns fear into pure joy as the Mina style goes. She looks all around the area below, stopping on Victoria's eyes as the Quirk still allows the 2 to see each other.
"I...I didn't know you could do this" Mina says
"There is plenty more to know, you just need to explore," Victoria says as she goes in for the kiss as she then suddenly ducks down into the air, dodging a bird even though her eyes are closed in the embracing kiss.
As their kiss continues, it is suddenly broken off as Victoria picks up the sound of a device ticking as a bomb does. Victoria picks up the speed as she changes course, veering between a few buildings as she stops across on the roof of the building opposite from the one she can hear the beeping from, putting Mina down as she then flies down, lifting a manhole hatch on the street and jumping down into a sewer system.
Many thoughts went through Victoria's mind, narrowing it down to a false alarm, a possible ambush for her or a general terrorist attack on the building above as she finds the room.
"Well well well, I didn't think you could find this place so fast, it makes sense for someone of your skill," Kurogiri says with his infamously aetherial and evil sounding voice.
"Wait, it's only you and testosterone over here?" Victoria says as Muscular walks out of the shadows with a malicious grin on his face.
"I thought for sure Nomu would be here, oh wait, my mistake," Victoria says as she begins to chuckle in amusement.
"I would spend that energy on trying to save your friend up there," Kurogiri says as Villians access the rooftop of the building Mina is on, numbering in the dozens as all have the mission of capturing Mina.
"Those poor poor souls," Victoria says as Erebus climbs up the side of the building, climbing up to the roof behind Mina, standing over the scared girl as he looks at the group of villains with a thurst in his eye.