20-Decliration Of War

I walked out of the room and then back without the invisibility active, acting as though I just arrived.

"Miss Isayama, so good to see you, please sit down," Nezu says as Victoria does reluctantly.

"Listen Principal Nezu, with all due respect, I really don't feel like talking to people right now let alone being squeezed for information. So if you intend to just waste my time doing the ladder then I'm going to my next class" Victoria says, not taking eye contact off the rodent.

The room is silent for a moment as both All Might and Nezu sit there slightly shocked at the abruptness of her statement.

"Alright, I'll be on my way then," Victoria says as she gets up and leaves.

All Might looks at Nezu with surprise as the rodent takes a sip from his tea.

"Would you like me to go talk to her pri..." All Might tries to say before he is cut off.

"No, It's fine Toshinori, we all go through hard times when our loved ones do. Leave her for the time being" Nezu says.

"But I thought you just had suspicions?" All Might says

"I still do, but patience is a virtue and coincidences can occur in this world of uncertainty," Nezu says back to his co-worker.

The next class was Modern Hero Art History with Midnight, It went alright until class ended and a load of students piled up at the door, looking around at us.

"What the heck are all you doing?" Kaminari says as he is the first one trying to get out the door.

"Do you have some kind of business with our class?" Ida asks

"They are scouting the competition idiots," Bakugo says as he walks towards them unfazed with Victoria not far behind him.

"Now you know what it is to see a future pro, now move it, peasants," Bakugo says as he goes back to the 15th century with his insults.

"BAKUGO, YOU CAN'T JUST GO AROUND CALLING PEOPLE EXTRAS!" Ida says as he tries to scold the spiky blonde.

"So this is the infamous class 1-A, I thought I would be impressed with a class who have had students who witnessed multiple villain attacks, but you just sound like assholes," a kid who looks like Mr Aizawa's little brother says as he makes his way through the crowd.

"He by no means speaks for us, but if you came to waste our time, I'm afraid I have already given that reward out today," Victoria says as she budges Bakugo aside and stops beside Ochako to meet the crowd.

"I'm kinda dumbed out to see your just a class of egomaniacs. I wanted to be in the hero course, to be where so many legends have been trained. But like the rest of us, I was forced to choose a different path, such is the way of life" the man says.

Victoria looks at her wrist as though she is checking the time, but she doesn't even have a watch.

"If we excel at this festival, the teachers can decide to move us up, which means they are going to remove some of you to make room. Consider this a declaration of war" Shinso says as he stares into Victoria's eyes which spark with some red lightning for a moment.

"Now are you going to go brainwash a nanny to read you a bedtime story to get rid of those bags under your eyes, or are you going to continue to stand here?" Victoria says.

"OHHHH!!" Sero, Kirishima and Kaminari all can't help but say out loud.

A/N: Don't even think Shoto got burned that bad.

"Shoto, we need some ice up here!" Kaminari says following with a hysterical laugh.

Nearly the entire crowd of people standing in the door have faces of either shock or anger from Victoria's words.

"VICTORIA!!" Ida yells as Victoria turns to see Kaminari still looking like he is having an asthma attack, some of the other student's jaws on the floor and Ida.

"I have lit the fire, your all going to need to bear the blaze," Victoria says to her class before she walks out, not getting a single peep from the crowd.

The bell for home had rung just after I exited the doors of the main building, but I was stopped by a voice I was hoping to hear.

"VICTORIA!" Mina says with her normal giddy attitude, an improvement after just one physiology session with Hound Dog.

"Hey!" Victoria says as she hugs her girlfriend, being glad she is getting back to normal.

Mina proceeds to give Victoria a non-serious punch to the arm.

"That's for making the competition all the harder," Mina says with a smirk.

"Guess we will need to get some more 'training' done," Victoria says, making Mina blush embarrassingly.

"Miss Ashido," a man in a hero costume accompanying another man in a costume says as they walk up to Mina.

"Your escort?" Victoria says.

"Yup" Mina responds.

"Call you later?" Victoria asks.

"Yup," Mina says, giving her a wink as she walks away with the 2 heroes.