Not a chapter: expect one in the same schedule as usual

I apologize for posting a non-chapter. The actual chapter 24 will be posted later as usual.

Now, for why I created this. I've recently found out that I can't really find my story here on webnovel by just serching "game of thrones" on the search bar. After looking into it and in other game of thrones stories, I found that my story is tagged as "gameofthrones" without the spaces, while the others have a space in between each word: "game of thrones".

I've tried every way possible to add the spaces, but it automatically reverses to "gameofthrones". Do any of you know if there's any way to do that? Use tags with spaces in between words? I see that all that time in other stories, but I couldn't do it no matter how I tried writing it.

Again, I apologize for this. And expect the chapter later on.

Thank you.