Alexander, the Hateful

Alex went to bed after finishing his late-night gaming session like he always does. His sleep schedule was always terrible, going to bed at 3 AM and waking up at around 5 PM, regardless of whether there was school or not. School to Alex was something he thought didn't apply to him, as he only lived for Rogue Lineage. All his accomplishments in the game came from his hours and days of work he put into it to the point where he'd fall asleep on his computer desk. As I've said before, he has made thousands of characters that have ended their respective lineages, but there is only one character that he owns that has not ended their lineage in over a year, his main, Alexander, The Hateful. You might ask why he has the title, "The Hateful". Well, it's simple really. Alex is known in Rogue Lineage for his exceptional ability at killing people in-game and for his toxic behavior before doing so. He was both admired and hated as a character even by the devs, which gave him the title and the race he has now seraph, the rarest and debatably OP race in the game.

Alex lay in bed thinking about his achievements before drifting off to sleep, thinking about the kinky shit "fischerans" could do if they were a thing in real life and not in-game.