the first day

the first day of classes the first of many days begin as igo to wake up Kyle pushes past me and enters the bathroom. Kyle I yell don't hog the bathroom I need to go it's the first day Kyle replys back with a I'll be our in a second before preceding to take 20 minutes to go hey we need to go were gonna be late he tells me as he rushed out the bathroom yeah no thanks to you I retort back I grab my things after showering and head to my first class beast weapons and adventuring 101. as i go to sit down I relise Owen is in this class I go to sit by him but then some high levels stop me hey your a level 0 why are you trying to sit up here, I try to say my friend is over there but they continue to block me, this area is for level 5 and up unless that watch of your is lying you need to go as I leave I feel something grab my wrist I look over and it's Owen he says to come on over but the two guys from earlier are still blocking us from going in as I try to tell Owen what's happening he does something I was expecting he pulls out 2 essence orbs as the sound of the words fox shield go off a thick smock appears and out comes Owen decked out in essence Armour Owen walks up to the two level 5s blocking our path and tells them to move they then respond by activating there own orbs as the sound of cheeta and rhino go oof the two of come out in there own Armour, I pull our my blades as a battle starts and like a bullet from gun they were off we all had our targets and I had the one on the left he and I start going at it but with his chetta speed it's hard to hit him so I do something I haven't done before I pull out the wolf essence and try to activate it but I know full well my body isn't able to yet but I have to try after I inject it the wolf sound is heard as the smoke try to come but instead an electric shock is seen coursing my body as I yell in pain and as the room starts to turn black I hear if you wish for power state your name. as I'm falling to my knees I have not much left to give but if what this voice says is true I'm ready to stop being considered weak and helpless I refuse to be useless it's time to fight and with that I yell as hard as I can my name is Xander hollow as my necklace starts glowing I grab it wrap it around my hand as a wave of energy comes over me I know what to do I plunge my necklace into a keyhole that appears in front of and the necklace enters it glows as two orbs seams to fall out but before I can touch them I come back to reality as if time itself restarts the battle In front of me resumes and this time something feels different and as I go to activate the wold essence Owen yells don't your body's not ready don't be foolish twice but something tells me I can do it and I activate it thenspund of the word wolf can be heard as smoke appears and out comes me in my new wolf essence suit now with my watch display the number 2 I feel like the tides of battle just changed.