the Strange screen

As my first transformation is done the power surges through me for the first time and I go to attack I'm stopped as a weird screen appears in front of [power skill wolf] [ability 1 of 1] [skills wolf's blade and wolf strike] [other abilitys evolution to wolfsbane power 0 of 10] as these strange things appear I quickly look around to see if anyone else is seeing this but as I move it seems as whatever is happening only I can see it without giving me time to question what's happening a right hook connects with my face sending me flying back as i get up I understand there's not time to question it as one more screen message appears [level up to essence 5 to unlock system navigation link] confused it seems as if eventually I need to increase my level to 5 in order to figure out more of what's happening as I go in for a right hook I decide to use one of the attacks mentions wolfs blade I yell as a blade appears on the gauntlet of my Armour and I strike my opponent as the blade starts to pirce his Armour he jumps back and uses a flash step an ability someone can use if there speed is enough but can't use constantly due to how much stamina it cost its a very taxing move but when used correctly can be extremely useful as he goes for a flash kick I dodge and decide to use my other skill wold strike as my blades on both gauntlets grow in lenghts my speed seams to temporarily increase as I blits my enemy and knock him out as he falls and de energizes I take his cheeta essence as is the rule of battle you lose you lose your item as I look over Owen's battle seams to have already concluded as h e stares at me in amazement as he comes over he asks what was that I thought you coldest use essence I look over as my system screen shows up and I decide to reply with pure luck I guess he laughs and says well looks like your full of surprises as we go to sit down the teacher arrives to start class but before anything can start he notices to the two people on the ground unconscious and precides to have them taken to the nurse as he looks over at me he says and who might you be in the wold Armour as I look down I relise I forgot to de energize and proceed to do so revealing who I am as helooks at his chart he says mister hollow it seems to state here you are a level 0 but as I've just seen you were using an essence bottle how do you explain that I tell him I must have finally unlocked the ability as he decides to not waste more class time on it we start to go over the history of essence and abilitys the first thing discussed is the difference between abilitys and essence abilitys he starts to speak are the human body natural flow of energy every person no matter how weak are able to use one these abilitys can range from elementals to support mechanical and so on the most common are the earth water and metal abilitys for elementals for the support the most common are debuffs and for the mechanical none are common these class of abilitys are rare and hardly documented as for essence essence requires an essence canister like this as he hold an empty one up these are used to contain essence from any item of choice and depending on what essence is taken is dependent on what level of essence can be achieved the most common is basic then we have common next is rare then intermediate then epic next is monster then king for the ones ae to be achieved on earth however with essence obtained outside of the planet there are some higher levels that can be achieved and they are demon very rare next is demi God after that we have the rarest of rare very few have ever been seen next is God then deity and lastly the only tear not higher then last but completely dependent on the users strength itself is mythical as you know the legendary essence orbs that the military controls are of the mythical class these are debatable when it comes to strength depending on who uses them can make it go from a basic class in strength up to deity or beyond however only one person has ever been able to use those orbs power that way and his name is Keaton king and no one has ever come close to his abitys its as if he had the ability to analyze everything around him in Seconds as his skills were unmatched being able to fight a linel no essence or beast weapons just hand to hand combat and win with no difficulty and this is why the military has been searching for someone who can eventually be the new weilder of these orbs but they have yet to find anyone who can match him in power but I went on a bit of tangent and it looks like it time for your first day to end after all there's an auditorium meeting required for all student to attend about the upcoming portal expedition and with that have a good day class as I go to leave I look at the name on the board Keaton king I wonder how you got that power as a notification appears [wolf essence evolution requirement 1 of 10 achieve 10 to evolve to wolfsbane and unlock new power] as the message appears a smirk appears maybe I can beat him one day.