tales unvailed

as Xander and Owen are sitting down in the dorm Owen reminds Xander that there's no classes so if they wanted to they could try out some of the abilitys he aquired as they make there way to the training field they soon relise there not the only ones on the field as Owen has to warn Xander very quickly, he dude be carefull that girl over there is from the arena her name is Kira and she's no push over I recommend we stay clear of her she's at the same level of strength as I am and can only harness two essence if it weren't for the fact she had fought Kyle before me I most likely wouldn't have won. As Xander walks up he then gets a rude stop, so it's you again as Kira glares at Owen with anger hi I'm Kira as she holds her hand out to Xander your the one who fought Matt your strong for no ability but just to let you know I don't plan to be shown up by anyone but if you want to be trained by someone with true skill as she glares at Owen again then feel free to contact me as she touched her watch to xanders and holds it for a few seconds a ding can be heard as she starts to walk off as Xander takes a look at his watch to see what happened contact info was added for Kira he smirks as Owen says show off, Xander chooses to ignore it for now but still has questions for that girl but decides to focus on his training Owen how did you figure out your limit like I know myself I can't seem to push past one but you said you can hold 3 how did you figure it out as Xander asks this question Owen has to think for a minute as he ponders over the question he finally answers, I come from a family called the Nightshade were very well known and liked by the government for our money donations due to how much my family gives they were able to get special perks one being the DNA amplifier which as you know through multiple exposure attempts can boost those essence levels in the body up my parents used me as a lab rat to see how far the human body could go and through multiple tests they found out the most was 6 but pushing your body to that limit is beyond dangerous to the point where when I did it I almost died from a seizure multiple times trying to do it and through more trial and error I found out the most I can handle without putting my body through stress is 3 at most maybe 4 but that's still pushes it but at birth It was discovered like you I coldest weild essence so I was the perfect rat for my parents which is why I'm so confused on how you naturally unlocked it most people have to undergo trails like I did but there's the answer take it how you wish. as Xander heard this he relised he probably shouldn't tell Owen how he got his new powers cause it's not as common to unlock abilitys like he did without being born with them or unless you underwent trails which he had neither of which and his questions on this new system only he can see deepen what is thus and why choose he he has so many questions but he might get answers if he meets the lvl requirements for essence ability 2 which is five but he needs to earn experience which he can only get from battle but who could he fight he knows basic moves on the ability he uses and has only fought 2 people 1 time with his essence and he had Owen help him win as Xander was thinking all this over Owen snapped him back into reality by nudging him earth to Xander you in there Owen yells yeah I'm just thinking over things he replys, good we still gonna train or are you gonna zone out again, no Xander replys let's do this as they fight Xander decides to use the fox bottle this time as he activates his essence the cloud forms over him and he emerges in a fox like costume fox Armour on the system yells for only he to hear as the sound goes off the screen appears with a list of attacks and a screen pops up [defeat opponent for instant lvl up and new attack skill] oh so there's more to this system then I thought.