lvl up???

as the screen appears a question as well as smirk appears looks likes you have have plenty of secrets system as I ready up something tells me this quest wouldn't appear if this was easy I go in for the the attack fox strike I yell as the Armour shifts me into a metal fox like form if it wasn't for tge metallic finish ide look like a real fox as I run at him on 4 legs I realized very quickly this form is much different then my bipedal mode it's faster but I'm leaving my self open for more attacks like this fox tail strike as I jump my tail gets grabbed by Owen and I go flying into the back wall with little effort Owen pulls out a sword and preceding to move forward goes in for a strike and before I know he calls the match ad I detransform a pool of sweat can be seen by my feet. that transformation was a special one not all fox bottles contain the skill each essence is different but they all share similarities in the Armour and the basic attacks but other then that they tend to all have different active skills your seems to be a speed based one with a rare transformation skill ide say in terms of fox essence that's a rarity of rare or epic your lucky the school set that out in the field there's no way they would have placed something of value out there knowing it's worth but then again anything less then the best then tend to throw out. as I listening to his words I start to piece together more and more of how these essence orbs seem to work but now that training is over I nerd to increase my collection so me and Owen head on our way to the school weapons store off campus as we head out the doors Kyle finds us and tags along but along with him is that girl from earlier Kira she says she taging along cause she interested in the shop and were already heading there so might as well go together Owen ignores her simply for the fact she seems desperate for attention as we enter the shop I go to the wall of essence containers hi ide like to buy a pack of 10 essence containers please the man at the desk looks at me up and down and says what size size I say before Owen cuts in well take 8 medium and 2 large please as he pays for them as he picks up the bag and we head I say what was that all about Owen explains the essence orbs are different then just grab inject bam new essence there's tons of things to account for one rarity of monster killed two size of essence container 3 what the container is made out of all take into account for how good your essence will turn out and what skills affects and other things can come from it the bigger the size the more skills off the bat you can use and the more power you can possibly harness out of it the material of beast crystal added to the container can control how pure the essence is making it more raw and powerful making it possible to buff it up to higher tear then normal bottles if done right and those are why there's more then just one type of essence container as he said this my brain is just trying to process everything he trys to tell me as if its a new language I'm trying to learn but for the most part I've got it down and understand but now that the containers are obtained time to go hunting.