abilitys and curses

as the quest appears I know this fight wouldn't be easy if a quest appears to beat something in a video game it means the battle is either hard or impossible to beat without a miracle at your current state. I look back up to see the beast charging back at us Kira nows a good time to move I yell as I jump in the way protecting her from the attack as it connects I fly back destroying 3 trees as I fly back I try to get only to relise my leg is broken in at least 3 places the only thing I can do right now to get up is use the wings on my back but if I land I know I'll feel the pain on my leg only reason I don't feel it now is most likely from all the adrenaline pumping thru my body from the damage and the fight. as I get up Owen tells me to stay back I can't keep doing this as he points to my leg I look down and tell him if I can't help then we all don't stand a chance we need all of us as I go to charge in once more as if without warning a bolt a lightning strikes down right on me as the lightning courses thru my body I can't help but scream in pain as I then black out from all the injuries as I seem to come to I awake back in the black void to hear that voice once again. state your name, I'm Xander hollow we've been thru this why am I here, you are in life threatening danger I would mind your tone boy. as i grit my teeth I ask just who or what are you as he responds the space seems to boom I'm am the secret weapon of the linel assigned to guard you I am the great void but it seems something is trying to enter your body and could've killed you if I hadent intervened but I don't know how long I can hold it it seems to be making changes but before it could finish the space disappeared and a new voice enters, so your the one causing quite the stir to the werewolf quite a large task trying to bear him No one's been successful in surviving an encounter of the beast yet I sense no hesitation in your actions if thats the case your perfect to be my new master for now at least if you can't prove it in this fight then I'll leave but let's see what you got, and with that I wake up with what seems like no injuries as confused as I am I can't help but go back into the fight nows no time to stop and think as I throw a punch without any type of indicator of anything changing lightning strikes out of my fist straight at the werewolf forcing him to dodge but before he can the lightning hits him right in his side blasting him back. what was that as the werewolf get back up he speaks and the first words spoken are Die as he charges I fly up as proceed to throw punch after punch with each one lightning strikes back to back with him dodge each one making him unable to advance further with that Owen charges from the back hit him with a fairy fire strike at the same to to the other sides of him Kyle and Kira using the fairy ice and sword strike pin him as I dive down striking him in the chest with lightning as the punch connects the lightning starts to do its damage as it courses thru him doing the same thing to his body as mine previously forcing him to pass our as he falls down his body starts to change as it's shrinks we all gasp as right before our eyes like in the story's the wolf is human as I'm about to make sure everyone is OK the basic werewolf essence starts to evolve causing a bright light to appear on the boy on the ground as the bottle finishes evolve to wolfslayer essence the boy on the ground gets up as well ready up our fists for another battle he hold his hands up frantically begging us to hear him out as we lower our fists I'm the first to speak what is it your not entirely in the best circumstances to be begging after what we've seen you do why should we let you get a chance to turn back into that form of yours. as I stop talking he starts to explain my names Aaron Harold and I've been trapped on this planet for the five years I incountered someone who had a strange power that turned me into that creature to do its bidding but it seems the curse is lifted thanks to you as he points to essence orb that bottle you used it seemed to suck the curse out of me and in exchange it evolved it but it seems this planet hasn't just given me something it looks like you have your self a familiar as he points at My neck a symbol of lightning can now be seen that was not there previously as I start to panic he tells me to calm down as he shows his wrist which has a symbol of earth he explains this planets hold familiar and when they pick you as a master they in exchange for living in your body to exist in our world give you an ability based on what sprit they are looks like you've bonded to a lightning fairy well I've bonded to a earth wolf but don't worry the sprit don't hurt us in fact there rare and quite useful cause there the original way for us to use abilitys to other is for repeated exposure to pure raw elemental essence which is beyond dangerous and stupid. as he explains it to me all of it starts to make more sense after the lightning striked me and how suddenly I can now generate lightning as Owen looks over at me he says oh come on man save some if the cool stuff for the rest of us you can't hog everything as he as laughs. after talking for awhile we find out aaron knows the way out as he starts to lead the way we see a Huge bunker as he enters a pin the doors to Huge bunker open and a portal can be seen and next to it return pads I open my bag grabbing two Owen looks over asking me why I tell him eventually you Kira and Kyle need your own familiars so I'm preparing for then as I put them in the bag we all prepare to return with some news powers and a new ally.