New Powers New Consequences

we all arrive back at the school as we do I fall to the floor and detransform out of exhaustion the new powers relieved are indeed strong but can't be counted on for long fights it seems as i try to get up aaron comes to my side and helps me up before Owen can as he does I can swear I see Owen and Kira get jealous in a way as he helps me stand a weird notification appears [wolf familiar detected engaging combat] without warning both me and Aaron's familiars appear and get ready to fight as I look around aaron and the others can't be seen it looks like my familiar put a lightning dome up and I now seem to be suffering from tunnel vision as I try to do something anything to take down the barrier I quickly have to dodge and reactivate the bat essence as I fly up the mask the Armour provides allows me night vision as well as protection from visual attacks and I can now see aaron trying to stop the wolf from fighting the lightning fairy but as I look closer the fairy transformed into pure lightning and start zipping from wall to wall till it almost strikes aaron but before it can I stand in the way stopping the shot altogether as the wolf familiar and lightning fairy calm down we explain what's going on that there is no danger and the walls drop and they return to us as that happens I finally blackout from over exhaustion. [system protocol 1 out of error error number unknown] Xander if your hearing this it means the system is unlocked in order for you to stay safe you need to unlock lvl 5 and quickly the system will protect you from them and also help you grow I'm sorry there's not time right now the rest of the video logs will be given to you when needed until then stay safe and trust no one even your friends. is he awake I need to know if he's OK Owen buzz off there's no way he wants to see your ugly mug as soon as he wakes up. Kira are you jealous of me afraid I'll steal your little crush if your not carefull your attitude will kill your little dream short. as I start to come to I awaken to Kira and Owen arguing about something but as they look over and see me awake they quickly stop as if for me not to hear as I get up Kira looks at me as Owen starts to nudge her aside suggesting something but she ignores him and proceeds to walk with me to our room as we arrive Kira asks if later tomorrow we can spare together I say yes cause I could use some more fighting experience after what happened lately. as I walk in Kyle gets up and rushes over. your ok I know Owen said you would be but I'm just glad to see you up also I know you have to be worn out but I thought you should know Lynn stopped by she said she wanted to speak to you but I told her to come back when you recovered If you remember her from the tournament she and I were a team were pretty good friends but she wouldn't even tell me what it was about I recommend talking to her as soon as you can shes not normally that adamant on things like this so if you would for me at least she's a good friend and I hate to see her upset, wow ok looks like even when I get back to my room I can't get sleep but if it's that much of importance to you tomorrow morning I'll go talk to her but now is sleep time and I am drained as Kyle and I wait for Owen to get back we turn in for the night as he returns and goes to sleep as well as I sleep I remember the words of the strange man from before how he's glad I'm safe trust no one and reach lvl 5 to unlock the full system and how he said there's more videos I'll unlock in time ide ask Fiona but she says she can't help with the problem so I law asleep in wonder what am I who am I supposed to be in this fight and why was this mysterious system given to me and with that the fatigue starts to set in as I fall into a deep sleep.