Lynn Harold of none

as I get up I look at my alarm clock and realize that I've overslept I'm gonna miss first hour I quickly get up but as I go to grab my clothes time starts to stop as I look around and see my body slowly turn to pure lightning and as soon as it happened it stops as look around the clothes that were in my hands are suddenly on my body as I hear a voice chuckle I put it all together my familiar did this as I rush to first hour I use the new ability my familiar showed me to get to my seat without the teacher noticing me however it looks like that skills uses way to much stamina to use constantly as I look up to right down what's on the board the teacher is nowhere to be found tell I feel a tap on my shoulder I look up and right there in front of me is my teacher. Mr hollow your late don't try to fool me with the beginner techniques of lightning I've worked here way to long for a familiar user to best me but today I'm feeling generous ill let you off with a warning if you sign up to join my familiar class so far only 5 people including that aaron kid who your group rescued joined with you that makes 6 what do you say. your not giving me much of a choice being late means a detention I'll sign up for your class. great good to hear now back to origin of linels everyone Today we talk about who what and where the linels are and from as you know the linel are one of the many alien races out there but there also the alien race that enslaved humanity for years until essence familiars and beasts were discovered the linels are kinda a mystery because from a scientific standpoint its like they just appeared we have almost no data from there planet except for a year of how long the soil has been there to our sources its only been there for the same amount of time as earth has been enslaved and freed what I'm saying is they didn't exist until they came here to earth which I know doesn't make since but it's seems to be the only answer we got but onto what they are the linel are a lizard type beast with a tail that can be used as a extra arm as well as creat poison or fire and ice its body is that of a almost humuniod beast mixed with various parts of a kimono dragon with a Maine around some of the higher ranked linel similar to a lion from sources we've obtained they sat the main is natural and shows those who possess higher strength in there army they also sometimes have spikes on there back as well as horns on the head similar to a bull there's likely more we've yet to discover about then but for now that's the extent of our info Tomorrow class will be discussing how the essence evolution and Mr hollow stay after class ill be showing you to your new second hr with me, as I get up after the borring lecture and follow Mr atlas to my second hr I feel eyes glaring at me until I sit down then when I think the eyes are off its as if they increased in power cause in an instant the back of my neck feels like daggers are piercing it as I turn around to see who's got the piercing eyes a face I remember vividly from the arena meets eye to eye with me you I say as I get up your the one who beat me well I was fighting Kyle which means your Lynn. guilty as charged I stopped by your room but Kyle said you were in the nurses office after a fight figures still can't hold your own but my only question right now what's a no name like your self who can't even use essence doing in a class about familiars, well first off harsh second there's alot of things that have changed since the arena as I finish the state I grab the fanged bat essence and equip it as the smoke settles i stand in my bat Armour with some lightning coursing from finger to finger, you how so aaron wasn't lying you were the one who saved my brother thank you, as soon as she said that immediately she ran up and hugged me and I became immediately uncomfortable as a girl I've barely talked to has me in a tight imbrace lucky for me again the suit covers my face as she finally let's go her face goes red as she relised what she did, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I just uh, as she trys to explain I find out her and Aaron are siblings but aaron went here a year before her and got trapped in a portal the school went looking for him but only encountered the werewolf they deemed the wold to dangerous to capture and left the planet alone leaving him trapped for a year under that curse her family she said are all familiar users so when aaron got cursed his familiar blocked it but when it returned into him the curse fused the two I to the beast i fought she thanked me and offered to train me better in use of familars after that we sit down by each other and finish class when we're done I walk her to her dorm which she shares with Kira surprisingly and then I'm off to my room , so this school has secrets time to uncover them.