the dream team

as me and Owen meet up with Kira and lynn we start to discuss the plan on how we're going to get Matt as we're talking I relise we forgot to get Kyle when I ask Owen he said he tried but Kyle was no where to be found when I ask about aaron,Lynn says he still trying to readjust to school life and it's best we leave him be for now as i put the daemon essence on the table I explain to the others what they are and there abilitys as I explain Lynn asks me by daemons do i mean demons as I explain the difference in name and abilitys as she seemed confused the daemons are known as oniroi have three abilitys each of these essence contains 1 of the three these are shape, fantasy and semblance we're going to use shape to allow me to fight Matt in the dream state otherwise I'm only able to use what's in the dream not what I have on Me when I enter as the plans explained and the plan is set we head out as we look around we find out when Matt gets to his room and we go from there everything relys on this plan working but we do have a problem Matt's room has defenses he's carefull and if we make any wrong move we're compromised and then we did this all for nothing we need to get awnsers and steal the nightmare essence he gives us the infonand we get the essence we win, Allright Owen says we got everything ready you ready Xander he asks me I nod as we head out as we reach Matt's room we check the time 12.45 at night we then get to the door which has a magnetic lock which we didn't plan for as we panic a little something in me snaps as I blank why am I why am I here again what is this and why do I keep coming back to here as the black void is all around me as the voice speaks its sounds different young Xander now is not the time to panic I understand your troubles and your confusion as time goes on more will be known for now i think it's time you gain some of that I will impart to you the systems mode of clairvoyance you'll be able to access me at anytime use it wisely your growth may be fast to fast but your not unstoppable be careful of your battles, and with that he disappeared as I zone back Owen and lynn are making sure I'm OK as I passed out as I get up I go to the the door system call [system call activated analyzing door pattern info passcode found 2691] as I enter the pass code I look around [inspect] camera are on all corners of the room Owen stand back lightning strike as I course lightning through my fingers I sap through the camera shorting them out for a limited time they have 5 minutes till there back on move quick as we enter the room I pull out the shape bottle and activate it shape of true self as I look the same but feel different I then use the daemons power to enter the dream as I do Owen keeps watch, where am I, how did you enter my terf your crazy I kill crazy, as Matt appears I barely dodge a fire attack the nightmare a fire beast that traps people in a nightmare abilitys of fire and sleep paralyzing agents as well as being capable of killing people in there dreams through nerve damage, I see you know my abilities but knowing and seeing are much different as he Flys at me I dodge the attack only to get kicked into the ground and proceed to get pummeled as I use shape I transform into a mole and dig underground and dig up transform back as I uppercut Matt as we land I jump at him and sidekick him at the same time flipping into downword punch as I land I pile drive Matt into the ground only for hi. to appear behind me and dragon kick me back as he spin kicks me down as we trade blows 9 activate the fanged bat essence and fly st him with my Claws as his nightmare Armour appears we clash trading blows back and forth as I backflip him into a piledriver then through him into the ground as I continue to punch him he disappeared, he strong but if I can't beat him in the dreamstate I'll kill him in real-life now to huh why can't I move my hands why are they, so you noticed hi I'm Owen now you have two choices either tell us the person who hired you or face Xander who will beat it put of you one way that info will be ares both end with you close to death tell us now and the pain stops and we have this, as he hold up the nightmare we can use it against you make you feel the as helpless as others have felt and end your time here your choice.

as I'm still in the dreamworld I feel something tug at me as I awaken everyone looks at me I look at them as they tell me Matt chose to tell us as I sit down he starts to explain, I was hired to kill you at first or so I was told but as I fought you you and you escaped the client told me I had new orders increase your powers I asked why but he never told me I tell you this I hate doing what I do but for my mom ill make sure she lives and this was the only way do I regret it yes but it's my reality but that person is dangerous if he n

knows I failed I'll be killed. who is it I yell,he goes by the eradicator or you might no him he bye his name Kyle strong he's throne who wanted you dead.